Supply: Turkey (Full Version)

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LiquidSky -> Supply: Turkey (8/13/2020 3:20:02 PM)

Hex 187,34 has a road hex in it, and it needs to either go, or be turned into a Rail line.

Right now the only effect is to completely prevent units from getting supply in Turkey through the ports. Instead, supply is assumed to come from the last rail line before the road, and is drawn from there.

Notice that where I invaded, the ports work the way you expect, with a level 9, and drawn down from there. Instanbul, level 7 port: Useless. Any port connected by ownership to Germany: Useless. No doubt when I connect myu invasion area it will suddenly drop to 0, as the ports turn off.

So you have three choices. Eliminate the road so I can use the ports. Turn the stupid road into a rail line, so you can actually fight in Turkey. Or remove Turkey from the game and make it so nobody can declare war on it, since you already have it as unconquerable.

Actually, If I had known, I could have gamed it so that I was didnt take the European side of Instanbul, so I didnt have this STUPID problem of supply, and instead got supply through the ports.


AlvaroSousa -> RE: Supply: Turkey (8/13/2020 5:31:36 PM)

Nope that is correct and ass designed. Turkey had no rail crossing Istanbul.
Their Eastern rail line was crappy and not really capable of supporting a huge army.

Took a lot of research, and some help from the community, to correct this.

But looking at the map the supply situation is part of a formula problem and how it works supply. if I do it another way it creates a different worse problem.
So let me work on this so I can get a fix for it.

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