Titi44 -> Reinforcement stucks (8/14/2020 4:44:16 PM)
Hi ! I abandonned a nice game because for ten turns I could not reinforce my troops. Event those sitting at one case from the capital did not draw reinforcement. Of course I could not update said troop either. I managed to grab many minors through diplomacy, so probably my logistic has difficulties to scale. I franticaly updated both rail and road building to level IV on capital. When checking SHQ unit, I see every Zone and unit received what they needed (no units are starving for instance) and I got a majority of what the zones wants to send to HQ. But reinforcement is last on list and still 0... It is a bit a game killer as 4 majors declared war on me 3 turns ago and I can't put my troops back to size or update them... Maybe reinforcement should be a bit higher on the priority list... I'd say : send what troops needs, then reinforcement, then everhything else.. Or maybe we could order SHQ to priorize ? Anyway a very interesting game, but logistics always bugged me in the 5 games I tried so far (1.04 then 1.04 patch 9 and this last one on 1.05)