RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (Full Version)

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Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 9:45:08 PM)

RN Destroyers dodged Betty strikes (25 am, 25 pm) only got one Mabel hit...plucky ships


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 9:47:19 PM)

Find some B17s...


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 9:49:04 PM)

British fight back..


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 9:51:12 PM)

Petes are protecting the invasion fleet...this group attacks and misses.

We need that 2nd strike to take down Repulse...


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 9:55:56 PM)

Repulse weaves and avoids the torpedoes!


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 9:57:17 PM)

All the best pilots went here I guess...


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 10:03:22 PM)

Was worried about this attack...


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 10:10:07 PM)

Marblehead, Houston, Boise disband into the base east of Jolo…

One of our cruisers forces went the wrong way...but can support taking Cagayan.

Not great here, will see what tomorrow brings.[:)]


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 10:13:25 PM)

Khota Bahru and Kuantan will fall...

Sad to see Repulse get away, but she has a lot of damaged devices at least.

For the first time playing Japan I got the Prince of Wales.[:)]


RangerJoe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/29/2020 10:15:34 PM)



Marblehead, Houston, Boise disband into the base east of Jolo…

One of our cruisers forces went the wrong way...but can support taking Cagayan.

Not great here, will see what tomorrow brings.[:)]


Sweet, you can capture Cagayan and capture those damaged B-17s. [:D]

Bif1961 -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/30/2020 8:04:04 PM)

I almost forgot you had a war going on here instead of the sitzkrieg! [:D]

Alfred -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 3:35:06 AM)



...For the first time playing Japan I got the Prince of Wales.[:)]...

You mean you bought yourself a new suit to wear when playing Japan. A style made very popular in the 1920s and 1930s by the Prince. I had one a long time ago.


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 12:24:13 PM)

Expensive suit...wool.


GetAssista -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 12:52:00 PM)


Expensive suit...wool.

[manly image]

Wow, Lowpe, that suit looks good on you, and you look good in the suite [:D]
Kerchief in the colors of WITP map is a nice touch too!

Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 1:09:05 PM)


Here we can see some Allied movements, which tells us about our opponents state of mind/goals. We will get a much clearer picture over the next few days as recon floods into China from Manchuko.

With no HR, we are looking at a Sian/Ankang push with relatively large forces from Manchuko Garrison -- I put the entire garrison into SR mode[;)]. Goal most likely bypassing Sian and looking to grab Tienshui to cut off the northern oil from Chungking quickly and then moving asap into the Chungking plains head south and look to cut the Kunming/Kweiyang road.

The Ichang flank is merely to deny those excellent Chinese Corps around Ichang a fast retreat and to save Ichang which makes for a great air base.

We need to cut the Changsha rail line and have some kind of push from Canton north too.

Two squadrons of Chinese Flying Tigers escaped the first day to China...most likely Kunming. We need to handle them quickly. The third squadron went to Rangoon and lost 13 fighters.


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 1:27:01 PM)

I told Lok to take his time with the first turn, but he wouldn't listen and gave me the turn back after only a few hours. Now lots more drudgery...

Resizing...something I never really do a lot of, also changing restricted air units to independent another thing I don't really do.

The critical aspects of this 2nd turn is to get the ability to rearm ships into the SRA as fast as possible, avoid flying into CAP Traps, establish air dominance in the SRA (Luzon fighters are still quite strong, Singers less so, and attrit Dutch) set up for the pincer above Singapore perhaps even accomplish some of it, watch out for low level air attacks. Grab Cagayan, Kuantan, Kota Bahru. Establish perimeter defense Kuriles to the Marshalls and move quickly on Rabaul before the Aussies show up there.

All the Pacific work needs to be done without KB support which makes it challenging. I am hoping this lures the American CVs into the Marshalls where I feel confident I can nail at least one CV....but I suspect he won't fall for it.

It would be nice to clear the boards of Houston, Marblehead, Boise, Mauritius, and Repulse. I have a good shot at doing this, not without some risk though.


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 1:40:42 PM)

In this AndyMac mod, Japan starts with 3 Oscar factories, and also plentiful IJAAF bomber factories too. Generally I like those Harbin factories to make something later game like Franks/George, so they will stay smallish so I can convert them over later without losing too much supply...but for now we need Oscar Ic production badly to expand.

I think I am going Topsy I and II for transports, just need to double check that.

I am going to increase 1 point a day for the plane builds...and I still need to tweak the supply levels at bases more. Will most likely be switching the Nate to Val/Zero builds early on for the expansion phase.

Planes I really need to build to assure expansion: Zero, Val, Kate, Oscar Ic. To a much lesser degree Jake, Dinah, Betty, Nell, Mavis, Rufe as production is decent there or usage lowish.


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 1:47:04 PM)

This will be another slow Japanese turn. I really dislike the opening of the game especially for Japan. Much prefer the game after the perimeter is established...

Little easter egg here, start with an Agano class.[:)]

I just divided a Dave size 6 squadron into thirds and sent 2 floatplanes to her to give some aerial search capability (and upgraded them to Jakes).


Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 2:05:21 PM)

Should be interesting here...

Have to worry about torpedo carrying planes of course, cap traps, and the BC Repulse and CL Mauritius. The Mauritius worries me more to be honest.


RangerJoe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 2:10:19 PM)

There is no Viet Nam, there is French Indochina.

I don't understand why the Japanese troop carrying task forces had ships with widely disparate speeds. That does not work very well in my opinion. That is one thing that I try to avoid.

Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 2:20:32 PM)

I plan to section and eviscerate Malaya. I want Singapore before Jan 1, 1942.

I am not sure what kind of ship surge will leave Singers...junky ships first to deplete ammo, or everything at once.

Recon is pretty decent.


GetAssista -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 2:20:50 PM)


I don't understand why the Japanese troop carrying task forces had ships with widely disparate speeds. That does not work very well in my opinion. That is one thing that I try to avoid.

You can't avoid it at start duh. Loadouts are already set for many invasion convoys. You can rearrange ships in TFs but you better sail the specific LCU into one destination no matter the ships LCU is dispersed into.

Lowpe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 2:22:37 PM)



RangerJoe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 2:23:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: GetAssista


I don't understand why the Japanese troop carrying task forces had ships with widely disparate speeds. That does not work very well in my opinion. That is one thing that I try to avoid.

You can't avoid it at start duh. Loadouts are already set for many invasion convoys. You can rearrange ships in TFs but you better sail the specific LCU into one destination no matter the ships LCU is dispersed into.

I know but it is irritating to have relatively fast ships with a few 10 knot ships in a convoy.

Alfred -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 2:55:34 PM)




ORIGINAL: GetAssista


I don't understand why the Japanese troop carrying task forces had ships with widely disparate speeds. That does not work very well in my opinion. That is one thing that I try to avoid.

You can't avoid it at start duh. Loadouts are already set for many invasion convoys. You can rearrange ships in TFs but you better sail the specific LCU into one destination no matter the ships LCU is dispersed into.

I know but it is irritating to have relatively fast ships with a few 10 knot ships in a convoy.

The question to be asked is what were the actual historical ships used by Japan to transport the initial invasion forces and therefore did the scenario designers replicate the historical record for fear of otherwise being criticized for not being historically correct.



Alfred -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 2:58:51 PM)

Indochina is the name of the aggregated area comprised of the separate regions of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.


RangerJoe -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 4:05:59 PM)



Indochina is the name of the aggregated area comprised of the separate regions of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.


I know that but I am referring to the map in the game. Plus, in the game, Cambodia is part of Siam.

Jorge_Stanbury -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 7:44:20 PM)

More proper names would be: Tonkin (North), Annam (Center), Cochinchine (South), Laos and Cambodia

or French Indochina

mind_messing -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 9:03:10 PM)

I've put a lot of thought into how to manage the initial pilot pools and training programme for to provide Japan with the best start. You might already be doing some of this, however. So far, my process has been:

1. Dump everyone flying a Nate with decent EXP (60+) into the reserve and use them to feed your frontline Oscar squadrons. Backfill with rookies and make the Nates training squadrons (except where needed for rear area CAP).

2. Dump all the decent IJA bomber pilots in China, Manchuria and Japan into the reserve. They'll feed the IJA bomber formations on the frontline, and act as a cadre for ASW training. The squadrons in Manchuria start the training programme, the China squadrons get rookies for on-the-job learning. The squadrons in Japan get the good EXP pilots to start building ASW skill.

3. Take one Betty/Nell squadron off the frontline to start IJN 2E training regime, and use the pilots as a reserve. This hurts operationally, but I think it's worthwhile to have the reserve and jump start the training process.

4. IJN land-based floatplane units need stripped of pilots to serve the ship-based squadrons and the patrol squadrons. Replace the lot with rookies and start a crash course ASW/NavS training regime. This hurts a bit, but there's not enough Jakes to go around before 6/42 and I don't rate the capability of the other IJN floatplanes. By the time you get Jakes enough for the land-based squadrons, your pilots should be in reasonable condition.

5. Move all recon squadrons in China, Manchuria and Japan off the frontline, bar one squadron in China for operational purposes. Let them train the existing pilots with NavS, then rotate to training a fresh batch. As the IJA recon pilot pool builds, you can rotate the squadrons back into operational duties (timed so they'll be shifting over to the Dinah rather than the Babs at this point).

6. Pull all the IJN recon squadrons off the frontline, train existing pilots with NavS for a bit, then start a fresh Recon/NavS regime with rookies. By the time the Judy-C rolls off the lines, you should have a nice pool of weathered pilots, backed up by a solid cadre of trained ones, and enough floatplane squadrons to shift Recon training to them.

7. Any IJN fighter pilots in Claudes get pulled off the frontline, replaced with rookies and set to train. IJN fighter pilots are like gold-dust until the squadrons get resized and training ramps up.

Essentially, the theme is to draw down some of Japan's Dec 7th advantages in terms of pilot quality to provide some depth to the pilot pools, stalling for better airframes and using the reduced frontline capacity to jumpstart the training programme on day one.

This plan does have the impact of drawing down Japan's frontline capacity by a good margin, but Allied starting assets in the DEI are so weak that it shouldn't be serious.

Jorge_Stanbury -> RE: Ooops, I did it again (Lowpe (J) vs ?(A) (8/31/2020 10:19:10 PM)

I would keep the navy recon and instead use a small land-based FP squadron to train recon pilots
I like to recon as much as I can, specially since experienced Allied players like to ambush

I avoid using IJA for naval search or ASW, but that is more for role playing reasons

otherwise, I agree. I definitively want experienced pilots out of Nates and Claudes

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