Hartmann -> How to prevent the game from ending prematurely? (8/17/2020 5:39:10 PM)
Playing the Axis, I was asked whether I'd agree to a major victory in 1944 - which I declined because I wanted to try out invading the US for once. In Russia, I was close to Kubyshev and operationally removed troops for a late Sea Lion. I had absolute air and naval supremacy and thus got really excited when an event popped that the US moved their Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic - I think this was because of me taking London, but not sure. Anyway, then came the turn where I took Kubyshev - after ending the turn, I got the message that the Soviets moved their capital to Perm ... and then suddenly the game ended. What a bummer - it just got interesting, with the US fleet getting buffed that much! I had the enddate disabled, but this obviously doesn't prevent the game ending when it thinks you've won a decisive victory (it's still 1944 btw). I really would like to play on, though, so how do I do that? I already looked into the scripts, but couldn't find anything (I was hoping for something under the "Victory" tab, but it was empty.)