How bad is it? (Full Version)

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KPAX -> How bad is it? (8/21/2020 3:54:06 AM)

In my PBEM game it is now July 1, 1942. The Allied hold, all all of Java, Singapore, Palabamg and Rangoon.

I am thinking things are bad for Japan. If so, how long will until it hurts Japan in production, etc? Until the Allied see an effect?

Platoonist -> RE: How bad is it? (8/21/2020 4:08:59 AM)

Yeah, that's catastrophically bad really. Palembang is considered a Japanese must-have. Plus, what oil wells you may have captured in Borneo will soon be burning a merry hell courtesy of the Allied bomber fleet. Additionally, the Malay barrier in Allied hands is the perfect launching pad for a counteroffensive heading due north.

RangerJoe -> RE: How bad is it? (8/21/2020 4:57:45 AM)

I suggest a refresher on what to take and how during the amphibious bonus.

BBfanboy -> RE: How bad is it? (8/21/2020 1:50:36 PM)



I suggest a refresher on what to take and how during the amphibious bonus.

But is he playing the Japanese or the Allied side?

Lowpe -> RE: How bad is it? (8/21/2020 1:57:59 PM)

I took over a game as Japan in July of 42 once. In this game Japan had almost lost 4 full divisions (down to a handful of squads) in Java, but did have Palembang and Singapore. Java was pretty fully Allied as was Burma. I was never able to take Rangoon.

I managed to make it to Jan 1 1945 as Japan, took all of China, and lost a shocking number of strategic vp, over 60K I believe. Didn't really run out of supplies till the bitter end. Always had fuel.

Anyway, you don't give enough information. If both Singers and Palembang are about to fall, then you likely won't see any economic hardship from Japan depending upon how good they are managing their economy. A lot depends upon ship and plane losses, r&d program and plane builds, and how skillful Japan is at using her pieces.

Scenario 1 or 2 makes a difference.

Ian R -> RE: How bad is it? (8/21/2020 4:00:43 PM)



In my PBEM game it is now July 1, 1942. The Allied hold, all all of Java, Singapore, Palabamg and Rangoon.

I am thinking things are bad for Japan. If so, how long will until it hurts Japan in production, etc? Until the Allied see an effect?

1. Oil effects start, and then they escalate - insufficient fuel, insufficient HI, insufficient supply, insufficient production, and so it goes.

2. Regardless of any of that, the IJ can put sufficiently large ground units, and some supplies, on the island bases you need to take to get to, and into, the home islands. As the Allies, you canot collect together the assest for sustained offensive activity until after mid 1943.

More to the point, it is not until you deploy the F6F in numbers on your carriers That you can ensure that the IJ air forces won't interrupt your plans. Having deprived the IJ of raw materials ought to accelerate things, starting in about 11/43.

Ambassador -> RE: How bad is it? (8/22/2020 8:53:14 PM)



Anyway, you don't give enough information. If both Singers and Palembang are about to fall, then you likely won't see any economic hardship from Japan depending upon how good they are managing their economy. A lot depends upon ship and plane losses, r&d program and plane builds, and how skillful Japan is at using her pieces.

I agree on the variables. Also, if the Allied player has put many of his ground assets in the DEI and sacrificed several CVs for that, losing them would make any offensive operation very hard (if not outright impossible) before a long time. To hold Singapore, Palembang and all of Java (plus Rangoon) against a human player must have cost many planes and the few good starting pilots, and divisions which would have reinforced, say, Ceylon, Chittagong, PM, Noumea or the Fijis are probably invested in the defense of the SRA - so, the usual main line of defense (and rear bases to mount the offensives) is vulnerable to preemptive strikes.

KPAX -> RE: How bad is it? (8/22/2020 9:11:34 PM)

I am Allied.

Opponent is not very aggressive with pushing on the lien combat. Opponent is using their carriers more for reading my convoys.

I have not added any infantry to either Singapore, Pala Bon, Java or Francone.

I have lost one carrier were the best are being tucked away against 1CBL.

My opponent did mention that at the beginning of the game my subs sunk several transports which held an important division needed for Singapore.

Plane losses have been moderate but not terrible.

I am not certain my opponent understands the importance of grabbing the oil as quickly as possible.

In fairness of the game and desire for a long time game I have hinted to the importance of these. She is getting more serious.

My appointments ship and your crap losses have been moderate. I have lost a number of cruisers and destroyers trying to keep my appointment at Bae in Java.

RangerJoe -> RE: How bad is it? (8/22/2020 9:29:33 PM)

You could suggest to your opponent to ask for advice here.

Ambassador -> RE: How bad is it? (8/22/2020 9:37:08 PM)



I am Allied.

Opponent is not very aggressive with pushing on the lien combat. Opponent is using their carriers more for reading my convoys.

I have not added any infantry to either Singapore, Pala Bon, Java or Francone.

I have lost one carrier were the best are being tucked away against 1CBL.

My opponent did mention that at the beginning of the game my subs sunk several transports which held an important division needed for Singapore.

Plane losses have been moderate but not terrible.

I am not certain my opponent understands the importance of grabbing the oil as quickly as possible.

In fairness of the game and desire for a long time game I have hinted to the importance of these. She is getting more serious.

My appointments ship and your crap losses have been moderate. I have lost a number of cruisers and destroyers trying to keep my appointment at Bae in Java.

I wrongly guessed you were playing Japan.

If you have not reinforced much those areas (but still built forts, I suppose ?), then they can still grab them, but it’ll take a good part of their troops, and the use of their CVs to cover the landings. It would probably be hard for you to prevent them from falling, so the economy of Japan might not be hit too much.

Forfeiting Burma is not too big a hit for IJ, as waging a ground war to conquer Thailand might be hard to supply.

However, delaying the conquest of Singers, Palembang and Java (the second for the oil, former and latter to defend the oil fields against strategic bombing) presents an opportunity cost in reinforcing the defense of the Pacific islands, including the Solomon’s. That’s where you might see the bigger consequences - if you see IJ commit to invade one of the places with KB, then you have a secure window to invade somewhere far away. Especially if you have enough squadrons and ships in the DEI to make the use of KB mandatory.

GetAssista -> RE: How bad is it? (8/22/2020 11:01:32 PM)


In fairness of the game and desire for a long time game I have hinted to the importance of these. She is getting more serious.

Oh, you are playing a girl? That changes everything.
Hand over Singers and Palembang immediately, you insensitive brute!

rustysi -> RE: How bad is it? (8/24/2020 5:29:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: GetAssista


In fairness of the game and desire for a long time game I have hinted to the importance of these. She is getting more serious.

Oh, you are playing a girl? That changes everything.
Hand over Singers and Palembang immediately, you insensitive brute!

Yeah, common' man, don't make her cry.[sm=innocent0009.gif]

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