Crimea - defense of Kerch (Full Version)

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AngrySwan -> Crimea - defense of Kerch (9/2/2020 7:13:17 AM)

The Crimea scenario as it is shows breaking through Perekop and advance further south. Sevastopol is not a part of the map (this Soviet naval base was heavily fortified and historically was taken in 1942.)

After Perekop, the current scenario shows an attack on Yevpatoria and that seems to be the only event in the western part of Crimea. There were several Soviet lines of defense between Feodosiya and Kerch and historically Kerch was taken on November 15.

This is the first version of the new Crimea scenario. It is a part of the Eastern front campaign. 10 bunkers added in the area between Feodosiya and Kerch,showing the Soviet lines of defense and the time for scenario is double (after taking your initial goals you will need some time to regroup to Feodosiya area to start your offensive from there.)

I am thinking about adding 3 victory locations near Simferopol to show that Sevastopolstill holds and Germans need to keep some of their forces to siege the city.

There is a bug in this version. Even if you capture all objectives and destroy all bunkers the game still runs until the maximum length of turns and then ends with a brilliant victory.

Ronald Wendt -> RE: Crimea - defense of Kerch (9/8/2020 4:43:30 AM)

Hi AngrySwan,

nice to see you are improving yout EF campaign. If you need help with the victory bug, let me know.

AngrySwan -> RE: Crimea - defense of Kerch (9/14/2020 5:47:00 PM)

Hi Ronald,

Maybe you can take a look at the scenario and see where the problem is.

Ronald Wendt -> RE: Crimea - defense of Kerch (9/15/2020 1:01:23 PM)

Hi AngrySwan.

sure. I will take a look at it as soon as i can. But it may take until the weekend to find the time & energy. Will post the result here.

Ronald Wendt -> RE: Crimea - defense of Kerch (9/20/2020 6:35:32 AM)

Hi AngrySwan,

the bug seems to be what is marked in the screenshots. If you negate the condition it will be "greater than".

Also you only need to conquer 5 of the 6 objectives - is this intented ?



AngrySwan -> RE: Crimea - defense of Kerch (9/22/2020 11:47:25 AM)

Hi Ronald,

I will test this again with my oldsavegame.

There are 6 targets so maybe I have missed one.

AngrySwan -> RE: Crimea - defense of Kerch (9/22/2020 8:07:37 PM)

So three bugs in the first version:
- negated condition
- victory locations (Sudak but not Kerch)
- the blue arrow on the Events page of the Editor moved from 5 to 6.

Ronald Wendt -> RE: Crimea - defense of Kerch (9/30/2020 3:20:28 PM)

Great that all is fixed now.

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