Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (Full Version)

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Surtur -> Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (9/3/2020 12:45:35 PM)

Hello everyone,

We have updated Victory and Glory to 1.03. This update brings some updated game rules, interface and AI tweaks, and general (compatibility) fixes. The full changelog can be found below, please let us know what you think.

Either use the Check for updates button or grab the patch installer from the games download sections, or by clicking here.

Change History:
v1.03 – August 24, 2020
• New Naval Rules – a player may retreat after one round of Naval combat. The rules for
the assessment of damage have been revised, and ships can now be routed during
naval battles. The help system topic Naval Battles has been updated to explain the new
• Armies now receive a Generic General at the start of each turn to allow any army to
move if that army doesn't have a permanent leader in it. Redundant generic leaders are
removed at the same time. This doesn't include armies that are created during a player’s
turn, however.
• Some minor interface improvements in scrolling and zooming, including a Scroll To
Mouse Cursor setting in the Controls & Preferences menu. This is used when scrolling
the map with the mouse wheel.
• Small improvements in AI Battle Logic.
• Revise cleanup and placement of neutral forces that occurs when the Treaty of Tilsit card
is played, and also correct an error in the validation of the card play.
• Correct error in retreat procedures for armies which contain Partisan units.
• Zoom In/Zoom Out keys were reversed. They now conform to the usual layout.
• Improvements in the game’s startup sequence and logging and more robust
configuration options when needed for tech support.
• Updated runtime for better compatibility with Windows 8, 8.1, and 10.
• Several Minor Bug Fixes.

zakblood -> RE: Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (9/3/2020 6:39:23 PM)

thanks for the update boss


Drakkon -> RE: Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (9/4/2020 4:45:41 AM)

(👍 ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)👍 HUZZAH!

Drakkon -> RE: Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (9/6/2020 1:20:01 AM)

Posted this on the Steam forums, reposting here. A few observations from my last two games with 1.03 update.

1. Battles are more challenging. The AI is more aggressive about taking the offensive on one flank if you are attacking on another flank. AI also seems to coordinate different unit types better. For example using cavalry to square infantry, then using artillery to destroy the squared infantry.

These changes make battles bloodier for the human player. I can still win most of the time, but I am definitely suffering more casualties.

2. Naval battles are less decisive. The ability of ships to disengage after one round, combined with the new rule allowing ships to rout means outmatched AI fleets can avoid destruction. Frustrating at times, but that's OK because it's also more realistic.

3. Generic Leaders for every army can be a game changer. Small AI armies can wreak havoc in Human player's rear. Generic leaders and their troops can slip in and Liberate Prussia (Prussia Prostrate card) or Spain (Kingdom of Spain card) if you are not paying attention, particularly if the AI has a Forced march card available.

On the plus side I can now send my Generals to lead armies rather than using them to ferry reinforcements to the front. Huzzah!

A question: Have more cards been added to the deck? I seem to be seeing more Forced march and Strategic movement cards. Or am I mistaken?

mercenarius -> RE: Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (9/7/2020 4:05:36 AM)

First off, thanks for the feedback and I am glad that it's working out OK for you (so far, anyway!).


A question: Have more cards been added to the deck? I seem to be seeing more Forced march and Strategic movement cards. Or am I mistaken?

There has been no change to the Event Card decks for either player. But, as we all know, sometimes the RNG produces rare and unusual sequences.

kirk23 -> RE: Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (11/8/2020 3:00:41 AM)

I'm really enjoying playing this game since the new official update, I think the game is much better with all the new game tweaks both on land and at sea.[:)]

Also very happy to have been involved in the background with the game designer and programmer and being able to assist in getting a new update released for this excellent game, I sincerely hope anyone who plays it enjoys the new game tweaks.

kirk23 -> RE: Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (11/8/2020 3:01:26 AM)

I'm really enjoying playing this game since the new official update, I think the game is much better with all the new game tweaks both on land and at sea.[:)]

Also very happy to have been involved in the background with the game designer and programmer and being able to assist in getting a new update released for this excellent game, I sincerely hope anyone who plays it enjoys the new game tweaks.

amtrick -> RE: Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (11/8/2020 5:16:41 PM)

A few comments after the last update.

1. The new “generic” generals assigned to stacks opens up a lot of maneuvering possibilities to each side. Kudos on the change.
2. I have noticed that the generic generals disappear when stacked with a named general (as advertised), but at least on the French side if they are not stacked with at least one unit (a zero army) they perpetuate from one turn to the next. I don’t think this is intended.

Here’s a few other general observations and thoughts.

1. In the 1812 scenario after killing off 20 partisans and ending the guerilla war, the Allies can still play a “Revolt in Spain” card and start it up all over again. Much like the “Tilsit” card, I think the “Revolt” card should be removed from the deck in this scenario.
2. If you try to move a general with no units attached through a sea zone with one or more Allied fleets in in, the general is always eliminated. It seems to me they should get through for free, since it would be one boat evading the Allied fleet(s), instead a whole bunch of transports.
3. I don’t think “squared” units should be allowed to attack at all. The infantry square was a purely defensive formation used to fend off cavalry attacks. It might be an idea to allow units to reform from a square more easily (it happens very seldom in the game), but the idea of a square marching toward an enemy line doesn’t make sense. And I realize they attack with a penalty, but it just isn't logical at all.
4. If a disrupted unit makes an attack, there should be some provision in the CRT for the unit to be routed and removed from the line. Attacking was tough anyway, and a unit with its cohesion already in question could very easily just melt away. As it is, disrupted units, although at a disadvantage, can attack with no other risk than ending up “tired”.
5. Only partisans killed in the direct combat phase seem to count toward the “20 kills” rule to end the Spanish Ulcer. No partisan eliminated in a pursuit or an overrun seems to count. This really stretches out the guerilla war. Was it intended this way? If so, it might be an idea to include it in the rules book since it changes the tactics you use when fighting partisans (i.e. don’t try to get a clear pursuit to take them out … keep them on the line so you can get credit for the elimination).
6. And last, a whine. I am really tired of a non-adjacent Allied 3 artillery bombarding a French 2 infantry and getting an elimination at a minus 5 or minus 6 odds. Particularly when I just finished a series of +11 crushing attacks and not even getting a disruption. I have played a lot, and this just does not seem to be a weird RNG event. Both happen far too often.

But, hey, I love the game. Porting over the “corps commander” idea from ACW would be exceptional. Now the generics could be used to transport troops to the front, and the “real” generals could get in the fight. So much fun.

mercenarius -> RE: Victory And Glory 1.03 Update (11/14/2020 6:40:32 PM)


1. The new “generic” generals assigned to stacks opens up a lot of maneuvering possibilities to each side. Kudos on the change.
2. I have noticed that the generic generals disappear when stacked with a named general (as advertised), but at least on the French side if they are not stacked with at least one unit (a zero army) they perpetuate from one turn to the next. I don’t think this is intended.

Thanks for your kind words!

Generals without an army should disappear. This looks like a bug.


1. In the 1812 scenario after killing off 20 partisans and ending the guerilla war, the Allies can still play a “Revolt in Spain” card and start it up all over again. Much like the “Tilsit” card, I think the “Revolt” card should be removed from the deck in this scenario.
2. If you try to move a general with no units attached through a sea zone with one or more Allied fleets in in, the general is always eliminated. It seems to me they should get through for free, since it would be one boat evading the Allied fleet(s), instead a whole bunch of transports.
3. I don’t think “squared” units should be allowed to attack at all. The infantry square was a purely defensive formation used to fend off cavalry attacks. It might be an idea to allow units to reform from a square more easily (it happens very seldom in the game), but the idea of a square marching toward an enemy line doesn’t make sense. And I realize they attack with a penalty, but it just isn't logical at all.
4. If a disrupted unit makes an attack, there should be some provision in the CRT for the unit to be routed and removed from the line. Attacking was tough anyway, and a unit with its cohesion already in question could very easily just melt away. As it is, disrupted units, although at a disadvantage, can attack with no other risk than ending up “tired”.
5. Only partisans killed in the direct combat phase seem to count toward the “20 kills” rule to end the Spanish Ulcer. No partisan eliminated in a pursuit or an overrun seems to count. This really stretches out the guerilla war. Was it intended this way? If so, it might be an idea to include it in the rules book since it changes the tactics you use when fighting partisans (i.e. don’t try to get a clear pursuit to take them out … keep them on the line so you can get credit for the elimination).
6. And last, a whine. I am really tired of a non-adjacent Allied 3 artillery bombarding a French 2 infantry and getting an elimination at a minus 5 or minus 6 odds. Particularly when I just finished a series of +11 crushing attacks and not even getting a disruption. I have played a lot, and this just does not seem to be a weird RNG event. Both happen far too often.

1. This sounds like a good idea!

2. Yeah. This slipped through the cracks and needs to be changed. Probably a move with no units should always get through.

3 & 4. I will have to kick this back to Glenn.

5. I will have to check this. I would think that all eliminated partisans should count, not just kills on the line.

6. I don't know what to say about this. There are no deliberate cheats for the AI in the battles and I have not been able to find any accidental ones. From my point of view, the thing is this: the use of the RNG does mean that things average out in the long run over the entire customer base. But that is NOT necessarily true for an individual player. But I will review this again.

I don't know when or if Matrix Games is going to want to put out another update. I am a little swamped right now, but I can think about doing something after the end of this month.

Really good feedback, and I am glad that you are enjoying the game, warts and all. [:)]

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