Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (3/26/2021 9:53:52 AM)
Feb 25, 1942 Another quiet day in the air, only 1 or 2 bombing runs in China... Here they come. I have stripped Ceylon long ago, only 5k fuel and about 10K supplies left. Two brigades are the defense, one at Trincomalee and the other at Colombo. But the British Navy plus a handful of USN destroyers are here to defend, Plus our Air Forces. 3 US base forces, plus one British construction engineer will head to make one of the land locked British bases on India into a real airport. Japan has no dl for Ceylon bases...except one point on Colombo. [image]local://upfiles/44178/03EBD6A1B82A4B0C8918830A9CF9D8EA.jpg[/image]