malkarma -> RE: Portugal: help needed (9/12/2020 11:45:19 PM)
I'm @ncc1701e opponent. So I´m going to answer by the comments that I´m aimed towards me (or at least, by that Im think ids directed against me). First and one except me and mty opponent have a goddam idea about the hell that have been BOA in our game, so maybe instead of telling my opponent about how much subs the should have used, would be better to ask him if he have used them at all. Since some military disaster (that I´m not going to discuss here) that happenned during the game in summer '40, @ncc1701e choosed for a '42 Barbarossa, as well he solved that disaster. So between summer '40 and summer '41 he released hell onm my merchant navy. And when I said hell I meant the loss of 189 MM and 1 carrier. So be sure that if he had been unable to stop that invasion is because I have to work my ass to remove him from the Atlantic. Kudos to you ncc1701e, you made me bleed there for real. Portugal invasion was also the result of something that happened in Africa, and that also commented with my opponent. This said, @Omnius: quote:
ORIGINAL: Omnius Sadly this looks like a player cheat to me and Alvaro should fix this so the Allies can't DoW Portugal. This is bogus gameplay. I think that your comment it's at least innapropiate. I'm just doing what the game let me do, and as far as I know I did not see you making this kind of comment in any thread in wich Axis players did a Sea LIon in wich they conquered all England except Liverpool, in order to get Spain in the Axis sides but avoiding an automatic US entry. I can admit that invading Portugal is really cheap for the allies... as It was get Yugoslavia to the Axis or the fact the we can DOW Netherlands and Belgium one by one. These situations are design decisions and we have to live with them (until the developer feel the need to fix them). Of course, if my opponent and I reach an agreement regarding some matters, for me that is like if that was written in the rulebook...everything else is free for all.