Kalkkis -> [1.05b4] Ordering of turn events in zone items tab (9/14/2020 5:10:34 AM)
The order in which the turn event is listed in the zone items tab is inconsistent with actual game mechanics. See here: [image]https://imgur.com/Jy1uOnI.jpg[/image] PROD and IN come before CONS, which might cause players to ponder why are you moving more metal in for construction, since you should have enough from production. But production actually happends after construction, so what happened here is that I had 50 metal stored from previous turn, game moved in 50 more to satisfy the construction requirements of 100 and then produced more metal. And left 50 metal in for next turns anticipated construction and moved the rest out. PROD column should be moved to the third place, between CONS and OUT.