ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (Full Version)

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Marcinos1985 -> ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/16/2020 8:18:26 AM)

So a recent tournament game ended. I will post a timeline events, later probably some screens too. Maybe someone will find it entertaining/useful.


10.1939 Poland falls
12.1939 Luxembourg falls
03.1940 Belgium falls, Italy enters the War. Their mobilization wasn't that high, but there was an additional swing because of Allied naval fleet proximity I believe? Was it good or bad for the Axis I will let ElvisJJRambo decide. One consequence was that Italian BB was bombed in Tobruk's port.
04.1940 Axis prepared a nice defense in North Africa, with a lot of planes (i.e. GER fighter) and AA guns to neutralize RAF.
RPA troops land in Abissynia and will fight there for (spoiler) more than 2,5 years.
In France GER pushed one hex behind Belgian border, Netherlands is fighting on.
05.1940 GER getting closer to Paris, with a nice breakthrough west of Metz. Kriegsmarine very active in the Channel. A lot of Italian ships are sunk in mediterrenian, mainly by French navy, giving them morale boost. Tobruk holds on.
06.1940 Paris is taken, France on the ropes, making a last stand at Bordeaux. At the same time unguarded Manchester is caught by GER paratroopers! Silly me, I miscounted distance from Hague. Siege of city is started immediately. In Africa, Addis Ababa is caught unguarded.
08.1940 Additional Germans land in eastern UK, taking Norwich. Brits wall them off, but an GER HQ guarantees that Germans will not succumb easily.
09.1940 Tobruk falls to combined Indian and UK forces, creeping at once closer to Benghazi. There are German rescue team spotted near Tripoli - at least a corp and a Panzer!
10.1940 Should have mentioned China. Apart from usual targets, like Changsha, Chengchow and Nanning, not more real estate was taken, Japanese were quite cautious. At the same time, their ship count is higher than usual, that's where MPP's went. Manchester is at 1 supply ready to fall - or not?
11.1940 It didn't fall. Because of my stupid mistake of not bombing the port, some transport sneak in (through my ships, didn't know it is possible) - 2 Panzers, HQ and some ground units. In result, manchester gets resupplied and UK position goes from good to bad at once. Very bad.
At Benghazi total bloodbath, UK loosing 2 units, burden of fight belongs to India now. And with no MPP's from England, it seemed a doomed cause.
12.1940 In Libya UK artillery goes down, but so does German Panzer. Without it, Axis counterattack will be softer. At the same time, another blunder by me - I didn't bomb Benghazi port, allowing German army to arrive next turn, as if situation wasn't bad enough. In UK, German are claiming more territory in lightly defended north. At the same time, naval battle is still raging around, with plenty of losses on both sides.

Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/16/2020 8:22:22 AM)


01.1941 Third Panzer and planes are kicking UK's butt. There is some good terrain south of Manchester, but if it is taken, route to London will be open. To my surprise, Turkey decided to join the Axis! Sealion probably brought them further to their cause, as did extensive diplo spending. BTW, my opponents do this 3rd game in a row, is this meta or something? Glasgow falls, and with it all convoy routes, UK will be MPP starved. At the same time, a counterattack came, killing some German units on Homeisland. A little light in this hour of darkness. Near Benghazi a WW1 style battle continues, German HQ appears. Some Sudan troops and LRDG join the meatgrinder.
02.1941 Turkey takes positions on Soviet border, some naval action. There are lvl 2 panzers in UK
03.1941 Some sideshows give signs of life. Firstly, China. Because of Japan's pacific stance, I decided to abandon trenches and reclaim some land, without IW2 tech though. Although troops didn't run into Japs immediately, they got exposed and in following year badly battered. Very bad play by me. In East africa, Italy decided to mount a smmal offensive against Chartoum, but it lacked a punch. Another brand new Indian army approaches Benghazi. Forces are again in Allies favour. UK still holds.
05.1941 USSR gets ready for war faster and faster. But there aren't many German troops on Polish border. That's because they are busy breaking frontline in UK, and they finally succeed.
06.1941 Still quiet in Russia. Japanese transport are spotted next to Singapour. UK is crumbling, slowly but surely. Yugoslavia joins Allied case and causes some confusion in Axis ranks. There is even some expedition to Albania, which humilates Mussollini.
07.1941 UK slowly begins their, ahem, planned retreat to Canada, leaving mostly garrisons to defend against tanks. USSR is preparing for war. US at 75% mobilization, around 20% higher than usual, because of Sealion.
08.1941 Barbarossa begins, modest one though. Some spawned units manage to escape, especailly in the North. Russia's army is going thorugh extensive repeat (IW2 and AA upgrades) and stands still.
09.1941 UK is going down quickly, but London holds. USSR still to decide whether to go for Finland or Romania. In the end, latter was chosen. Plenty of Japanese amphibs directly next to Indian ports, just sitting there. Well, not that realistic to be honest, but there was no way to punish this.
10.1941 There was a grind in North Africa for all this time, an even one, but again I f*** up and left Montgomery exposed. He was attacked and badly injured, which at once destroyed my supply situation. Tide turned immediately. Rest - calm.
11.1941 Adding insult to injury, fresh Panzers appears near Benghazi. What can Indian with IW1 do against them? A general retreat is called for.
For some time there were no fresh Indian units. Some were sent to Jerusalem, to protect against possible Turkish invasion, some had to stay at home.
Pearl Harbour gets attackes and destroyed, US comes into the War. 12.1941 Russia finally moves forward, Minsk and Odessa become first targets.
At the same time, large offensive is launched into Turkish territory, where Trabzon and Erzurum are main targets.
12.1941 Missed the notes, sorry. Probably around this time London was gone.

Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/16/2020 8:26:27 AM)

01.1942 At the eve of new year, Mao joins the alliues, providing new fresh armies, good but little late though. Indian army falls near Tobruk, protecting others retreat. So bad.
02.1942 There is some fighting in... Burma and India. A battle for oil fields, forces of China are headed there, meanwhile India repels an invasion of single Japanese SF. US tries to wage war in the Pacific with a lot of subs, but they are consistently beaten and sunk. Japan is very well prepared to fight them, which was very surprising to me.
03.1942 Northern Russian front is closinf on Konigsberg, plenty of fortifications are closed in city's proximity. Romanian border is crossed, cities of Galati na Bacau are under siege. Lvov is reclaimed too. Syria sees some serious fighting. At first taken by Turks, then abandoned, retaken by UK, now Turks are back. Unfortuantely, they wield shiny german STG's, while UK is still at IW1. Front next to Tobruk is under extreme pressure, but supply is not that good for axis there. Brave AT gun falls though.
04.1942 WW1 grind in Romania and general refit of forces in Russia. Bacau is taken.
In NA Germans take Siwa Oasis, threatening southern flank. Tobruk itself is a tough nut to crack though.
05.1942 All of the sudden, USSR crushes through Hungarian plains, with Budapest in close proximity. Romania stands firm, but arrival of rocket artillery will have its consequences soon.
In Turkey, both Trabzon and Erzurum are under siege, but supply is not good for Russia's troops, tanks can;t do their job there too. UK holds Damascus. In Tobruk Indian units are upgraded to level 2, just in time.
Suddenly, 2 Japanese Carriers apeear in the Red Sea! There are only 2 depleted UK carriers to hold them. Ups.
In East Africa, Massawa is finally under siege, getting there took a year or so. In China, even with IW2 Chinese troops are beaten mercilessly and must finalyy retreat to better positions.
06.1942 Breakthrough towards Hungary grows, situation in Romania slowly deteriorates and USSR is creeping forward. At the same time, GER counterattacks next to Konigsberg with success. Some Panzer battles nest to Przemysl. Stalemate in Africa and Turkey. In Pacific it is all quiet, excpet all those sunken subs mentioned before. Two Japanese Carriers finally sink one UK carrier. Reataliation comes and brings down one carrier to 4 hp, but it retreats calmly. Unfortunate, but exciting at the same time.
07.1942 USSR armies are depleted and stay for a refit. Bengahzi gets bombed (RAF was grounded for 3 turns in a row, because of sandstorms), which doesn't help Axis supply situation.
08.1942 Massage on Eastern Front continues. Curiously, much in the North and South, Center is quiet, USSR didnn't advance to Vistula. Calm everywhere else. Axis began raiding US to USSR convoys, causing great damage. Task force is assembled to deal with baddies.
09.1942 USSR got its butt kicked near Konigsberg and backs off. Center dashes forward, trying to encircle Przemysl. Cavalry gets through Vistula and damages some planes. Zhukovs troops are one hex from Bucharest.
US planes arrive to Holy Land, in order to help UK in Syria and USSR in Turkey.
10.1942 Tiger tanks appear on Eastern Front. Przemysl got encircled briefly. Heavy Tanks near Bucharest widen the gap. Trabzon port in Turkey gets bombed, making supply situation very bad.
11.1942 Presov in Slovakia falls, leaving German rear exposed, mechanized units are pouring into the gap. Ploest is under siege, one USSR army is next to Bucharest. Exhausted defenders of Trabzon finally give up.
12.1942 Task force finally arrives to North Sea, causing a lot of damage to enemy subs. Convoys get fully operational again. In the East, Przemysl finally gets fully encircled, with no hope of rescue. Center crumbles, Russian corps makes contact with Lodz. Germans have been withdrawn from Konigsberg area, Italians took their place and immediately get killed, city goes under siege.

There were 3 more turns in 1943, but quite gimmicky, so I wll end up here. Screens later, maybe some highlight of mistakes too. And proofreading.

Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/16/2020 8:22:09 PM)

Some screens from the game. First, France on the ropes, check out tourists in Nurnberg:


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/16/2020 8:24:04 PM)

Unwanted visits in Machester and Prague:


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/16/2020 8:26:01 PM)

Is North Africa going down?


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/16/2020 8:27:41 PM)



Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/16/2020 8:31:17 PM)

4 Axis tanks in UK, as year 1940 comes to an end


BillRunacre -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/17/2020 8:43:31 AM)

The French in Prague! That is pretty amazing.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/17/2020 11:23:30 AM)

This game was quite intense, and on tilt. I lost my marbles, but had to prove a point, that I will go all-in, and destroy the British if they overextend.

1) Poland, Low Countries
2) Royal & French Navies peppered Italians in Mediterranean early in 1940. The Fuhrer was furious & sent ground units to Tripoli to head East to Tobruk. Combined Axis ground units launch a Desert War again India/British Armies. Lead Panzer makes headway, only problem, I got overextended. Allied ground/air continually pinned me down. Invested lots of MMPs. Sent 2nd Panzer, then bogged. I admit, my opponent outplayed me in Africa. Losing that 1st Panzer and attacking in consecutive turns with disregard, was a HUGE mistake on my part.
3) Turkisk politicians bribed with massive about of MMPs, join Axis
4) Daring daylight Paratroop drop to Manchester
5) Ground forces land Northeast of London
6) Kreigsmarine gets full financial support of German High Command, Royal Navy is rocked. Sunk 9+ Destroyers, Cruisers, BB, etc.
7) Ground war drags on England. Transports attempt to land in Manchester. Germans lost 3+ transports in the process expensive
8) Slow advances on England, Brits exchange daily in combat.
9) London eventually capture, was too costly
10) Russians join in 1941
11) Germans try to hold the Konigs to Romania Balta line, it's too rough, Red Armies pound Axis Minors

Conclusion: Brits forced action in Africa, Germans conduct Sealion, take London. Too costly, got drained, had nothing in the tank for Russia.

pjg100 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/17/2020 8:53:53 PM)

I had a similar experience in North Africa in a game against Hamburgermeat. I overcommitted -- at one point had three panzer corps there -- made some progress and sunk a lot of UK ships including a carrier but superior Allied air power ended up wrecking supply and frittering my forces down to nothing. Cost me so much my Barb was late and weak, got hung up on the Dnieper. If you are going to commit to North Africa you have to know your limitations.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (9/17/2020 10:01:00 PM)

Reason I went forcefully & aggressive in Libya with Gerry Panzer x2, I was putting full court press on England, had massive committment in Manchester and NE of London. Figure English could afford full battles. The Indians (from India) were supporting Tobruk. Either way, I was getting it on. I held the Russians off for little while, came close to holding the line. If I would have held, well, you know.

Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/19/2020 7:04:38 PM)

Silly me, I forgot to post rest the pictures. Not that anyone cares, but for the sake of completeness and entertainment.

01.1941 WW1 warfare near Benghazi:


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/19/2020 7:10:15 PM)

Not that much happened in 1941 really. London finally fell around late 1941. Germany didn't have enough forces to launch proper Barbarossa and soon Russia was at pre-war border. In the meantime, Turkey joined Axis cause, only to find itself in trouble.


ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/19/2020 7:10:48 PM)

You kicked my ass in that Desert War. Was fun game actually, when I sent the Panzer out, was dumb, but fun. I'd rather have fun then play cookie-cutter.

Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/19/2020 7:12:10 PM)

Tide in NA turned, and Soviet offensive in Turkey came to a halt too.


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/19/2020 7:14:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: ElvisJJonesRambo

You kicked my ass in that Desert War. Was fun game actually, when I sent the Panzer out, was dumb, but fun. I'd rather have fun then play cookie-cutter.

Game is definetely more fun when it dooesn't boil to cookie cutter. But it is usually an Axis choice, Allies don't have that many options early game.

Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/19/2020 7:15:13 PM)

03.1942 South Russia:


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/19/2020 7:18:55 PM)

04.1942 Proper 1942 starts, watch for Italian corps in Brest and push into direction of Romania's rear. Still, Germany had many toys to play with, hidden in fog of war.


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:22:58 PM)

Massage in NA. Many screens from this region, it was very interesting.


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:26:25 PM)

05.1942 Further push into Romania


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:28:53 PM)

07.1942 Rare sight - some action in China


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:30:29 PM)

07.1942 NA


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:32:32 PM)

07.1942 Romanian envelope


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:36:44 PM)

US flyboys join action in Turkey


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:37:49 PM)

09.1942 GER cracks


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:42:07 PM)

11.1942 Trabzon falls


Marcinos1985 -> RE: ElvisJJRambo (Axis) vs Marcinos1985 (Allies) - highlights from game (10/20/2020 8:47:47 PM)

12.1942 German frontier penetrated in several places, end is near. And in fact game ended next turn.


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