LargeSlowTarget -> RE: (Release) Historical Burma railway (9/20/2020 12:34:17 AM)
I have used a different approach. The railway is in the pwhexe.dat from the beginning of the game, but players are not allowed to move units in strat mode along the railway until they have build-up ALL dot bases I have placed along the railway. The dots have port size potentials which can be build-up using engineer units, and they have low initial supply caps so few suplies will move along the railway unless the ports are being expanded - as you know, base construction will increase the supply cap with each level. If all bases on the railway have been build-up to their "standard potential level", then strat-moving units along the railway is allowed and the supply caps should have reached meaninful levels. No switching of pwhexe.dat file necessary and the Japanese actually have to assign construction units and spend supplies for their workforce to "build" the railway. This is an alternative to magically gaining a railway without efforts with a pwhexe.dat switch on 17 Oct 1943. Other railways and roads constructed during the war would include the "Second Death Railway" in Sumatra, the Ledo or Stilwell Road and the Alcan "highway" linking Alaska via Canada with the "rest" of the USA. Btw, I used Dave Bradley's " PWHEXE_Editor" - see