DWReese -> F-35 OECM AN/APG-81 Pod (9/25/2020 1:28:37 PM)
I've been sand boxing (which is really most of what I do) and I noticed that the F-35 has an OECM Pod. (Many aircraft do.) So, I set up a basic attack on a land target using F-35 to bomb a building and a Growler to jam the enemy's Tin Shield A radar unit. That occurred as expected. Since the F-35 has a OECM jamming unit itself, I wanted to see if I could get by without the Growler. So, I repeated the exercise and (using the Scenario Editor) I jumped back and forth between sides and noticed that, even though the F-35 had its OECM activated ("JAM"), there was never a "JAMMED" message on the Tin Shield A. So, I continued with the same scenario and added some enemy MIGs behind the radar unit, about 150 miles away. They immediately displayed the "JAMMED" message, so that I know that everything works properly. So, my question is really about the AN/APG-81 OECM Pod. It states that it is for bands I/J. The Tin Shield operates in Bands E and F, so I guess that since they aren't the same, that's why the Tin Shield was never listed as being "JAMMED." That makes perfect sense. The MIGs operate a radar on Band I, which means that they should have been jammed, and they were. Again, everything works fine. So, the question is, are there any LAND-BASED radar units that use Bands I or J that would have been jammed by the OECM pod, or is that OECM pod really just to jam enemy aircraft radar? I know that the Growler takes it a step further and can jam everything, but I was hoping that the F-35 could be like a miniature version of the Growler, but I guess not (at least not with this land based radar). Can someone educate me on the purpose of the AN/APG-81 OECM Pod, if it is something other than what I have stated? I would hate to have to test a bunch of different platforms just to find the same result. I'm hoping that someone knows the answer ahead of time. <lol> Doug