Curtis Lemay -> RE: Some noob questions about TOAW IV (10/10/2020 11:05:00 PM)
ORIGINAL: Weregamba Hey guys I have re started with this game, and I have some questions I have not found in the immense knowledge db that is this board - apologies if it has already been answered 1.- During Defenses, sometimes your troops are divided into subunits... that bothers me a little bit, so I always try to regroup them into a single unit, however this can be a very tedious task, since not always the retreat is to the same hex, and it isnt clear who was or wasnt part of the original unit. Do you know a way to do this automatically? They have to be moved to the same hex to recombine. The Formation Report will identify which subunits are from the same unit. quote:
2.- Sometimes I see a big green dot next to some units, not in the unit itself, but next to it. What is it? Density indicatior. See 13.10 in the manual. quote:
3.- Is there a way to give an order to a whole group of units, under the same HQ? I mean, I can see which units are together, but to keep them close, I have to move them manually. A stack, yes. A formation, no. quote:
4.- As you move the units, their attack values are reduced (loss of organization). I havent tried it yet, but I leave a unit to rest, will its attack value increase? Assuming it is safe from enemy action, readiness will recover if its level is below the unit's supply level. The rate is dependent upon turn interval. Supply level will only recover if the unit has a supply path.