Hyperion1 -> RE: Ideas (11/25/2020 9:58:57 PM)
You can make something different from the soft coded modding? In that case it can be very interesting, I work currently on a Farscape mod ! I read my race list for remember (I put between "_ _" the race name, you can ignore it). Fresh idea could be : Components : -_Acquaran_ Electronic disable, give a huge debuff to any ships entering in the range -_Ancient_ Worm hole displacement, all ships near the one using this technology (ally or not) warp and follow at the same speed the main ship. -_Ancient_ Worm hole confusion, enemies ships are dispersed in further distance. -_Banik_ Sharing damage, when one ship is damaged, damage are shared with nearest ally ships. -_Boolite_ Second breath, if the ship is wrecked it have a chance to repair itself after a moment. -_Breakaway_ Defensive grid, more ships are near each other more it increase there defense and/or damages. -_Calcivorian_ calcivor, ships get a long duration buff when destroy a creature. -_Charrid_ Hunting, if a ship load is warp, our ships get a buff of damage. -_Ch'Talla_ Prolonged weaponry, more the fight take time, more ships gain damage -_Clansmen_ Humble Sacrifice, more ally ships are destroyed, more survivor have an high buff -_Colarta_ Track, the ship can follow the signature of a recent movement of ship -_Coreeshi_ Furtive boarding, the boarding pod ignore the shield -_Delvian_ Harmony : our own planete give a buff to our ships (% depending the population). -_Delvian_ photogasm, if ships are close to a star, they get a buff -_Denean_ Fuel enchancing : buff depending of the % of fuel -_Diagnosan_ Diagnostic, one ship buff ally but is disabled the during the process -_Draks_ Huge boarding : The ships not need to use boarding launcher, and just need to destroy the shield and raming against the enemy ships -_Eidelons_ Cease of Fire, all ships in range, ally or not can't attack for a short period of time. But can still move. -_Energy Rider_ Phasing technology, rendering the ship not targetable for a short time. -_Energy Rider_ Vampirism, the ship absorb enemy shield and Hp for regenerate its own ship. -_Faa'oor_ Planet cloaking, when on an ocean planet, the ships become untargetable for x time when the fight start -_Foonek_ Premonition, cancel damage taken from first seconds of fight -_Gose_ Death call, get a buff for every ships destroyed for x time -_Grennij_ Waaagh (or hive spirit), more there are ally ships, more ships have buff -_Grisoldian_ Fast attack, after a warp jump ships have buff of damages -_Grudek_ Joust, ships get a buff depending of % of their maximal speed -_Halosians_ scavenger, have a permanent 10% buff, but this buff reduce and become negative if ally ships are too many to their foe -_Han'jee_ Visibility Cloaking, the ships become not detectable for a short time when getting in a system with enemies ships -_Human_ inertial gravity, fuel consumption reduction but slower attack hast -_Hynerian_ Electro static discharge, if the enemy ships is 1.5(can change depending upgrade) max the size of our ship, it's disabled, until our ship stop to attack. -_Intellant_ infection boarding, can boarding with fewer troops, but it make more time. -_Intellant_ planet infection, can infect a planet with a virus (components ship weapons), it kill population and make riot, if riot succeed, the planet become our. -_Interdimensionnal_ displacement, make a portal, but ships can't pass by it, in fact they can only fire from this place and take damage, but the ships are still at the same place. -_Interdimensionnal_ invade, use the fire power of our troops on another planet, but the battle take place on our own planet. -_Interion_ Acoustic metalo liquefaction, deplete a % of the total enemy hull around (not a number), when the enemy shield is down. -_Jakench_ Feedback module, damage the attacker back with a % of his damages -_Jexogan_ Creature exoskeleton, when kill creature get permanent maximal hull -_Juh'ha_ Taming, module for tame alien creature. -_Kalish_ Inertial ignorance, the ships can maneuver at high speed and avoid shoots. -_Kampeks_ Electromagnetic storm (see facilities) can move a storm for destroy enemies base and ships -_Kurthanan_ Asteroid construction, increase the hull a lot but slow the ships, can't be used on a base. -_Litigarian_ Justice antenna, when close to an ally colony, the ships reduce the corruption passively -_Lukythian_ Genophagous, weapon against colony, disable the enemy birth rate for a long time -_Luxan_ Brave, gain a buff when in minority -_Maldis_ Wizard portal, can send troops directly from a planet (see Facilities) -_Maldis_ Wizard nightmare, the same but for directly boarding enemies ships from a planet ! -_Montim_ Thief boarding, when boarding, steal resources instead of capture the ships -_N'dix_ shadowian, if ships are in the interstellar space they have a buff -_Nunbano_ Radio music, give a passive buff to ally around -_Oath_ Chrysalis, if not attacking or moving gain a buff to shield and hull -_Otolek_ Full throttle slowly increase the max speed until a % of maximum -_Pathfinder_ Transphasic weapons, pass the shield -_Patriqu'ro_ Solar attraction, attract enemies ships to a star for crash them on, take time to use. -_Peacekeeper_ Formation, when a bigger ship is here, smaller ships get a buff. -_Leviathan_ Starburst, almost instantly warp, but the destination is very inaccurate. -_Leviathan_ weapon mutation, can't use weapon without this module (race locked) -_Plokavian_ Dampening net gas, emit a gas that remind behind the ship and disable everything following, no damages -_Plokavian_ Seismic disruptor, planet killer (effective against facilities) -_Proprietor_ Landmark disruptor, make unable to build bases around around on a large space. -_Qato_ Serenity, ships have a buff at 1 vs 1. If many ships target the ships it not work and the reverse too. -_Qo'anliss_ Ice shield, when shield is depleted, ships cover them-self with ice, increased their armor a lot, but preventing to move or use weapons -_Qo'anliss_ Ice weapon, freeze enemy ship but increase also there armor. -_Reguru_ Confusion, the enemy ships can shoot other enemies ships for a short duration. -_Saltici_ Spike hull, when enemies ships ramming against them they take damages -_Sheyang_ Wrecker module Ships Can fusion with wreck for get component and pass the maximal size -_Tarkan_ Charging weaponry, when taking damage, increase their own damage with a % of damage taken -_Talvek_ force field net, make a net around a ship this one is unable to move and when attack lose firepower. -_Traskan_ Puple Mist, make a gas around ships slowing attack hast of enemy ships and make minor damages -_Tregan_ Harpoon, for slow down the enemy ships and damage it if it try to break the harpoon. -_United clans_ Black sheep, When alone a ship have an huge buff -_Venek_ Aries, ramming damage increasing with speed -_Whaela'an_ macro infection, bombarding weapon that make ally troops (attacking) on the planet and remove enemy population. -_Wolaxian_ Vore module, when boarding, increase the number of troops when succeed. -_Xuleshan_ Paradise ship, luxury/entertainment module, when the ship approach a scenery system it generate cash -_Yuglut_ acide/poison, damage at time -experiance, all ships can get a permanent buff when destroy enemies -modible factory, module for make a mobile spaceport -Facilities: Experimental weapon (high range weapon targeting other planet): -missile launcher, -death ray -Electromagnetic storm -Black hole -Plasma pulse -Wizard portal, send troops directly on a planet, long recharge time and unique building -Wizard nightmare, the same but for directly boarding enemies ships from a planet ! -_Nebari_ Mind cleanser, remove passively corruption and prevent riot space elevator, like a spaceport but as facility