Tejszd -> RE: Meuse v3.52 for TLD - Released! (2/19/2021 1:07:08 AM)
Based on a TLD Meuse team grand campaign I'm working on a v3.53 update. If anyone else has any feedback please post it. Here is what I have changed so far for this release; 1) Added German minor supply depot on Pouillon for all Campaigns 2) Added Random weather grand campaign 3) Changed French artillery support adding 3 maps; Florenville, Pouillon and Vresse and removing 9 maps; Aubigny, Beaumont, Brognon, Chimay, Hami, Maubeuge, Rumigny, St Michel, Thuin (StratMap.txt) 4) Changed German air supply at line from 1 to 2 per day-time period from the 13eve to end of the GC. The quantity also changes based difficulty; ex. Recruit available earlier and in greater quantity or Elite available later and decreased quantity (Campaign.txt) 5) Changed sdkfz 6/2 3.7cm flak reducing the # clips to 36 (Vehicles.txt) and clip size from 8 to 6 (Weapons.txt) 6) Changed Pz35 and Pz37 MG37 max range to 600m (Weapons.txt) 7) Changed the Dinant exit to Beauraing to the East bank of the Meuse river (Dinant2.btd). This will give a German BG in Dinant with a blown bridge a way to move. 8) Removed artillery observers for Green so they are only available on Recruit for both sides per the Mod Notes (fpools.txt) 9) German LMG team slight ammo increase, magazines changed from 3 to 5 (soldiers.txt) and shells per mag from 75 to 50 (Weapons.txt) 10) Changed French 50mm and German 5cm mortar setup time from 600 to 500 1/10s (Weapons.txt) 11) Changed French 60mm mortar setup time from 800 to 600 1/10s and min. range from 60m to 75m (Weapons.txt) 12) Changed French 80mm and German 8cm min. range from 80m to 120m (Weapons.txt) 13) Changed French BG's with Light or Med tanks to have a Strat Med tank icon instead of heavy. The original thinking was to confuse German commanders but it didn't as they could always click on a BG to see what tanks they were up against. 14) Changed the Meuse main screen to indicate the version of Close Combat the mod is running on LSA or TLD 15) Changed French movement communication error % from 10% to 7%, 3% (2nd last day only) and 0% (last day) 16) Changed German movement communication error % from 5% to 3%, 1% (2nd last day only) and 0% (last day) 17) Changed the maximum distance from starting map a BG can look for a supply depot to reform on from 3 to 6. This will allow both French and German BG's that are disbanded anywhere on the strat to have at least 1 starting map/supply depot to reform on. 18) Changed French team 13 Eclaireur, a 1 man Scout/Marksman, from Scout to Sniper so a single man team can not capture VL's (like 1 man snipers) 19) Changed French Canon de 105 court mle35, Canon de 105 mle1913 and 75mm mle 1897 L/36.3 front armour plate from 25mm to 20mm and top from 15mm to 8mm 20) Changed French Canon de 105 court mle35 lowered chance that armour protects crew from front 280 to 198 & side 220 to 36 (this aligns with other guns) 21) Changed German 4.7cm PaK36 (t), 7.5cm IG18, 10.5cm leFH 18 and 15cm sIG33 front armour plate from 25mm to 20mm and top from 15mm to 8mm 22) Changed German 4.7cm PaK36 (t) penetration at PB 75 to 85, Close 68 to 80, Med 61 to 69 and Long no change 23) Changed French 47mm SA37 L/53 penetration at PB 80 to 90, Close 73 to 83, Med 64 to 70 and Long no change 24) Changed Bruckenleger IVb hull top armour from 12mm to 24mm (this represents the bridge metal carried on top) 25) Changed Rumigny map breaking up the deep water in the stream to allow soldiers to cross anywhere along it but preventing vehicles. 26) Fixed BG names; 148 101e s/b 84 101e and 84 102e and 148 102e 27) Fixed Rocquigny map VL's to Rumigny (moved from North/top to East/right) and Signy (moved from East/right to North/top) 28) Fixed Campaign text "The Axis are currently winning the campaign, because they control a greater number of crucial victory locations than the Axis" 2nd Axis should be Allies (CCResourceDLL.dll) 29) Split French 4eDCR into 2 BG's; 6th Demi Brigade and 8th Demi Brigade