Hubert Cater -> RE: Is unit type hard-coded? (11/2/2020 1:25:24 PM)
Hi FOARP, I see what you mean here and unfortunately the types are hard coded, sort of. All this means is that at one time I had it in mind where you could possibly change the unit type from a number of selected types, e.g. if you wanted the Battleship slot to suddenly work like a Soft target, you could do that. This is why that drop down list is there as that was the original intention to make the game that much more flexible and powerful. Turned out in the end it was going to be a bit more complicated and this is why it is now greyed out. Changing the types is easy enough, but the rules for how a unit behaves is now tied into the unit ID as some unit IDs just behave differently than other IDs despite having the same type. e.g. engineers, paratroops, partisans, amphibious transports and so on. In the future I would have to expand the types so that everything could indeed be tied into the unit types instead of the IDs. So long story short, I see what you are after, but no it just won't work with how things are currently set up. Sorry about this, Hubert