Serial Number error issue (Full Version)

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simovitch -> Serial Number error issue (11/2/2020 12:00:59 PM)

If you are getting this error, I need some information so I can figure it out:
There is an error with your serial number as entered. Please contact for assistance

1. What is your error code?

2. Do you have 3 files in your main installation folder called:


planetbrain -> RE: Serial Number error issue (11/3/2020 9:03:05 PM)

Get this error running btr.exe through dxwnd but NOT if run directly. Error code = -1073741819. The folder does contain your 3 mentioned files

planetbrain -> RE: Serial Number error issue (11/3/2020 9:22:46 PM)

Should add that version no. shown is 1.06.05 & no similar issues prior to last update.

Recognition -> RE: Serial Number error issue (11/4/2020 9:28:45 AM)

I have all 3 files mentioned in Directory.

eaglecom.exe has stopped working

simovitch -> RE: Serial Number error issue (11/4/2020 1:45:03 PM)

This particular error seems to be related to sound settings and directx. I'm not great at fixing these but it sounds like a compatibility issue.

OK, what happens when you try these 2 things:

1. In DXWnd, delete the current EDBTR profile and re-import EDBTR.dxw from your game directory and run it.

2. set the properties of eaglecom.exe and btr.exe to run as administrator and windows 8 compatibility.

also see this page:

Recognition -> RE: Serial Number error issue (11/4/2020 2:02:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: simovitch

This particular error seems to be related to sound settings and directx. I'm not great at fixing these but it sounds like a compatibility issue.

OK, what happens when you try these 2 things:

1. In DXWnd, delete the current EDBTR profile and re-import EDBTR.dxw from your game directory and run it.

2. set the properties of eaglecom.exe and btr.exe to run as administrator and windows 8 compatibility.

also see this page:

Tried 1. Same problem.
Tried 2 ....and can get into game.
So it seems that DXWnd does not work in this case.

planetbrain -> RE: Serial Number error issue (11/4/2020 8:28:53 PM)


planetbrain -> RE: Serial Number error issue (11/5/2020 3:07:27 AM)

I believe I have found out something, perhaps inconclusive, about this issue. Deleting the file winmm.dll from the dxwnd directory stops the error message.(ie the game runs)
Further tests/research pending.
A different version of winmm.dll works - in my case a 146Kb version digitally signed 26Sep2020.
The replaced version was 137Kb & not digitally signed.

Recognition -> RE: Serial Number error issue (11/5/2020 6:40:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: planetbrain

I believe I have found out something, perhaps inconclusive, about this issue. Deleting the file winmm.dll from the dxwnd directory stops the error message.(ie the game runs)
Further tests/research pending.
A different version of winmm.dll works - in my case a 146Kb version digitally signed 26Sep2020.
The replaced version was 137Kb & not digitally signed.

Deleting the winmm.dll does indeed work. I can now get into the game via DXWnd, thou I'm not sure I can see any difference with DXWnd or without using compatibility mode. My only gripe now is the speckled Duck egg looking Map.

simovitch -> RE: Serial Number error issue SOLVED (11/5/2020 11:47:58 AM)

OK so part of the problem here is that DXWnd is evolving and the configuration file provided with the game is not evolving with it. The version I have (.50) doesn't even have winmm.dll in it but I see the latest version is .58

You could try downloading and running 0.50 and see how that works. In the meantime I'll look into this more.

VERIFIED I get the same error as you folks if I run the latest version... so you need to stick with v2_05_50_build which is still available on the "Sourceforge" website:

Thanks for working through this with me. I'm going to change the DXWnd made easy thread.

Recognition -> RE: Serial Number error issue SOLVED (11/5/2020 2:54:06 PM)

Thanks for that....v2_05_50 working, .58 working when winmm.dll removed. I don't know if there is any difference...... ?

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