SteveMcClaire -> RE: New IG_weapon_ are not recognized (11/23/2020 5:45:30 PM)
For ranks the file names should be "IG_RANK_<x>_<y>_<z>.BMP" where x = nation index, y = service branch (0-7), z = rank index (0-14) RANK_3_0_0.BMP would be nation index 3, service 0 (army), rank 0 (private.) RANK_3_0_12.BMP would be nation 3, army, rank Major (which is not used in the base game but which I assume you've set up in your nations.txt / soldiers.txt files as a rank for company commander. Which ranks do you have that are not loading? The green-stripe texture is the 'missing texture' default, meaning the game could not find / load the texture in question. I would look at the difference between the ones that are working and those that are not.