geofflambert -> RE: prioritizing base repair/building (11/16/2020 3:25:47 PM)
ORIGINAL: Chris21wen quote:
ORIGINAL: geofflambert Yes. Don't do your enemy's work for them. They love it when you expand port and airfield facilities in bases they will soon occupy. They also love it when you repair the damage they did to those facilities by bombing, rather than fortifying. It's so sneaky of them to bomb the stuff you won't be able to use anyway and get you to fix it up for them. There may be occasions when the best policy is to not even have any engineers present that will be on your payroll but working for them. One of the first things I do for both sides for different reasons is turn off all repair for everything, ports, forts, AF, oil, resources, factories and anything else you can think of. For the Allies it's the above reason, for Japan it's supply. Once off, I seletively turn them back on. Don't forget to turn off everything auto: sub ops, replacements and reinforcements and anything else the AI wants to do poorly.