mainsworthy -> RE: BLITZ HEX&CHIT WARGAME ENGINE (11/20/2020 3:25:22 PM)
OK i will try an answer some of your Questions - Is it possible to increase the resolution of the game (for example that the counters are 100 x 100 pixels instead of 50 x 50 pixels)? No its one to one no stretching except the TEM display on the right is an enlarged hex, but fullscreen can have a bigger looking screen but the only stretching is the resolution of full screen - Is it possible to have a map larger than 17 x 10 hexagons? No, but you can stack 8 chits in a hex, I started out with this and it became to difficult to alter later - What is the level of artificial intelligence on the tactical level? took a min to think of what you need to know about the map(chits are more complex). the A.I. is very aggressive and you have options to make it more strong or weaker I created the A.I. to use the phases so it only has a small job to do at any phase ,also the A.I on a map level uses TEMs reduce firepower , .but each chit has its own move rate you set to match the map terrain line of sight is really important its pin sharp(but be carefull with LOS not to block a hex from firing, instead block hex sides). The A.I. prioritises your ranged units, leaders & heroes add to the power of attacks, groups can make a big atack, a stack can seperate and attack 8 different hexes, the A.i. dosnt cheet it has the same options as you - What programming language did you use? BltzMax PS: thankyou for asking, it shows you know your fodder, I do hope you can improve it, sounds really interesting that you have an idea on this sorry but i have not looked at all this for a while Im tying myself up in knots trying to remember everything ,so im revisiting the details