Problem with Events (Full Version)

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Tidavis -> Problem with Events (11/25/2020 3:54:17 PM)

Will events set before 1939/09/01 fire when they are supposed to? I have tried but have not been able to get them working. Is this a hard coding issue or is there a setting I am missing.

I am just playing around with a mod that starts the war in April of 1939.

Thank You for any help.


BillRunacre -> RE: Problem with Events (11/26/2020 9:16:57 AM)

If the campaign starts earlier, and the date of the scripts has been set to start earlier, then the only thing I can think of is that the scripts need to be recompiled.

To do this, in the editor go to Campaign -> Edit AI Scripts and press the button at the bottom to Update all with an *.

Then do the same for Campaign -> Edit Event Scripts.

Then save, and you will be able to start playing with the scripts compiled and hopefully they will now work as intended. [:)]

Tidavis -> RE: Problem with Events (11/28/2020 3:12:20 PM)

Thank You Sir! That was problem. I think I will have another question real soon about events. As soon as I run out of different things to try and make the event work.


Tidavis -> RE: Problem with Events (11/29/2020 5:24:27 AM)

Here is what I am trying to do. Reform Czechoslovakia and bring it into the war when Presov is recaptured.

#NAME= DE 800 - Czechoslovak National Council.
#POPUP= Czechoslovak National Council arrives in Presov.
#FLAG= 1
#TYPE= 1
#AI= 0
#GV= 1[1,100]
#LINK= 800[0]
#DATE= 1939/04/01
;Set variable conditions:
;Germany politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered
#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 45 [1] [100] [0]

#NAME= DE 800 - The Czechoslovak National Council reforms in Presov.
#POPUP= The Czechoslovak National Council reforms in Presov.
#IMAGE= slovakrising1.png, slovakrising2.png, slovakrising3.png
#SOUND= battle2.ogg
#FLAG= 1
#TYPE= 1
#AI= 0
#GV= 1[1,100]
#LINK= 0[0]
#DATE= 1939/04/01
#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 45 [1] [100] [0]

The event fires fine. Presov is now the capitol of CZ But it reforms as 0% allied and not at war. Do I need another event to automatically be at war with the axis when this event fires?

Tidavis -> RE: Problem with Events (11/29/2020 12:54:47 PM)

This does not fire at all.

#NAME= Czechoslovakia Enters War With Germany
#POPUP= Czechoslovakia declares war on Germany.
#FLAG= 1
#TYPE= 1
#AI= 0
; Set global variable condition to always trigger (dummy value)
#GV= 1[1,100]
; Set link value to always trigger (dummy value)
#LINK= 0[0]
#DATE= 1939/04/01
#FAILSAFE_DATE= 1948/01/01
; 1st Line - Poland politically aligned with the Allies and not surrendered AND
; 2nd Line - Germany politically aligned with the Axis and not surrendered
#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 85 [2] [100] [0]
#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 45 [1] [100] [0]
; 1st Line - Poland and Germany are belligerent
; Dummy condition position (always satisfied)
#CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]

I guess I need a better guide for writing events. :(

BillRunacre -> RE: Problem with Events (11/29/2020 6:49:15 PM)



The event fires fine. Presov is now the capitol of CZ But it reforms as 0% allied and not at war. Do I need another event to automatically be at war with the axis when this event fires?

Yes, use a Mobilization_2 or Mobilization_3 script, depending on what triggers you want to swing CZ into entering the war. Set it to a high percentage, e.g. 100% if you want it to enter immediately upon being formed.

If CZ is a Minor then this should be all you need.

Tidavis -> RE: Problem with Events (11/30/2020 7:10:54 AM)

Thanks Bill!. I was trying a mobilization 1 script with predictable results. The mob 2 script worked just fine and now my chain of events are working as intended.


BillRunacre -> RE: Problem with Events (11/30/2020 10:50:55 AM)

Excellent! [:)]

Tidavis -> RE: Problem with Events (11/30/2020 1:23:18 PM)

One last question, for now at least. Which event sections handles the transfer of a capital? I've been looking through and maybe I missed it.

BillRunacre -> RE: Problem with Events (11/30/2020 7:44:19 PM)

Do you mean when a capital is lost and it transfers to another location?

If so, that is not scripted, but instead the alternative capitals have to be set as such in Campaign -> Edit Country Data.

Tidavis -> RE: Problem with Events (12/1/2020 1:19:16 AM)

That's not it. For my mod, the first city of Czechoslovakia to be liberated is Presov, should the Allies regain Prauge, how do I move the capital there or once the territory is re owned/annexed into Czechoslovakia, will auto move there?

BillRunacre -> RE: Problem with Events (12/1/2020 9:07:44 AM)

Ah, I see. The only way to have Prague be the capital would be to have it be the first hex listed in the TERRITORY script that creates Czechoslovakia.

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