RE: WITP:AE now $16 (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition


clamel -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/3/2020 3:08:26 PM)

Now this is truly a paycut in price. Recently retired so I'm going for this one.
Guess I will have to live until I'm 90 to get the Campaign Game to the time I can invade Japan or nuke them. Always known Grigsby has been the true champ on detailed wargames, but this takes the price. Almost thought I was expected to order groundcrews to fix the tires on a P-40 fighter. This is truly micromanaging porn. [:'(]
Some in this thread talk about how many hours it takes to complete. Gosh it takes days even to understand all the details and make the moves for the first turn.

In times like this with CoVid-19 this game must help us all over this Annus Horribilis.

My only fear is it will just be too overwhelming.

BBfanboy -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/3/2020 4:58:48 PM)



Two weeks ago I bought the boxed set at $113. NOW it's on sale for $16?!? I must say I am pissed off.

Unfortunate - but many of us on this forum were advising interested players to wait for the Xmas sale, so we tried.

I bought the game with CD and paper manual (no longer available) about 10 years ago for $86 Cdn. Never regretted it or felt I did not get value for the money. My cost per hour of play has many decimal points before the 1. But if you have a friend you want to get hooked on the game so you can play them, tell them about the sale!

BBfanboy -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/3/2020 5:01:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: clamel

Now this is truly a paycut in price. Recently retired so I'm going for this one.
Guess I will have to live until I'm 90 to get the Campaign Game to the time I can invade Japan or nuke them. Always known Grigsby has been the true champ on detailed wargames, but this takes the price. Almost thought I was expected to order groundcrews to fix the tires on a P-40 fighter. This is truly micromanaging porn. [:'(]
Some in this thread talk about how many hours it takes to complete. Gosh it takes days even to understand all the details and make the moves for the first turn.

In times like this with CoVid-19 this game must help us all over this Annus Horribilis.

My only fear is it will just be too overwhelming.

The game is daunting, but not overwhelming if you realize that it will take years to learn everything (the nuances are incredible!) and just treat it like a long journey where you are making progress as you go, even if you have to backtrack at times.

Sardaukar -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/3/2020 5:59:48 PM)

Start small.

Though I did jump straight into Grand Campaign...did so with previous WitP too. That is a daunting prospect, but AI's feelings don't get hurt if you replay turns when making a mistake.

Small scenarios are good way to start, though.

Moltrey -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/3/2020 10:33:27 PM)

One of the best new player tools is Kull's Allied Setup Spreadsheet.
Kull has spent untold hours putting this together (along with a Japanese version) and updating it along the way.
One tab at the bottom explains the way the data is put together and intended to be used. The others are the actual Day 1 moves separated by Region (alphabetically). Of course his moves are just suggestions, but I just made a copy of it and I make my own changes to that version. I have it pulled up and just ALT-TAB between it and WITP:AE. Extremely useful learning tool. Also included are a Allied reinforcement schedule (with suggested use in some cases).

I can't play a whole lot, so doing a turn one from scratch generally takes me a couple of weeks to a month depending on how many hours I can set aside. YMMV of course. I tend to be anal retentive about developing a plan and ordering units about the pacific, so... yeah.

Can't recommend it enough, Kull deserves an award in my opinion.

rustysi -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/4/2020 3:18:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: painless42

LOL, let me re-frame. If I spend an hour a day, would I finish in less time than it took to complete the actual war in the Pacific?

If I only spent an hour a day, I wouldn't be able to finish the war in my lifetime.[:D]

rustysi -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/4/2020 3:20:46 AM)



Two weeks ago I bought the boxed set at $113. NOW it's on sale for $16?!? I must say I am pissed off.

Sorry about that, but you should've checked here before making the jump. We've have set you straight.

Macclan5 -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/4/2020 1:48:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: LargeSlowTarget


ORIGINAL: painless42

LOL, let me re-frame. If I spend an hour a day, would I finish in less time than it took to complete the actual war in the Pacific?

Just watching the turn resulution after the orders phase can take 15-20 minutes when there is a lot of action, even with message delays set to just a second. I have seen surface actions that lasted for what I felt were hours (maybe 5 min in reality).

The orders phase can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours or more, depending on the level of control you want to exercise.

The first turn is the most time consuming, orders needs to be given to practically all land, air and naval units, plus base construction and - for the Japanese only - industry management (that is if you seek optimal performance - you don't need to do everything on day one, it's a long war after all). For a PBEM, spending 3-4 days on the first turn optimisation is not unusual.

A lot of good advice from a lot of very talented and helpful veterans.

I am a relative newbie [8D] I have owned the game a "few years" only. Please consider

i) reading the manual pdf
ii) play the introductory scenario to learn mechanics

I have played 3 Official Campaigns now *albeit the first attempt was an aborted game in mid 1943 when further reading of forums, further helpful advice from these talented vets, made me realize how many details I had missed, and how many mistakes and unnecessary losses I incurred.

My Answer: to Painless the OP

I have never completed a full OC in less than ~ 1 year (11 months - 14 months recently). That would certainly be averaging more than 7 hours per week.

A full OC in my opinion is Dec 7 till the liberation of Tokyo / Osaka or Sept 1 1945 (the signing aboard the Missouri) - which ever comes first. Depending upon your experience and expertise you may achieve a major or strategic victory in (43?) (44?) (45?) where your points ratio dictates it.

Your ability to limit yourself to 1 hour per day will be the biggest factor in addition to your desire to micro manage assets and keep track of short term tactical objectives (fights, sieges, raids) verses long term strategic objectives (consolidating air, naval and ground forces to invade the Marianas for example).

Interestingly I think it will be very hard to limit yourself to 1 hour turns 'early in the war' with so much to organize, position, and plan for the long term i.e. consolidating troops, bases, upgrades, and building Divisions, TOE, etc. In the early (41/42) and mid years (43) of the war it often takes me an ~ hour "just to review" where I last saved and where I have to follow up my turn. Your ability to keep good notes for yourself will help.

In my opinion learning the Order of Battle, and upcoming available troops, ships, squadron, and equipment upgrades is the largest learning curve. Even for those with 'above average historical interest and knowledge'. Learning to factor these into your plans is a significant learning curve.

Ironically (in my experience) turns at "end game" (44 +) become simple despite having triple + the number of assets. Experience plays a part but additionally by late war you are more organized against your long term objectives and follow up becomes simper. In early war it may take me hours to plan " a turn". In late war I can often plan "days over a few hours".

Macclan5 -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/4/2020 2:01:32 PM)

Challenges for "wargame experienced" Newbies verse the AI

i) update the AI from threads linked in these forums

ii) consider playing a "no reload" campaign or a '1 mulligan per year' campaign. That is if you chance a Carrier Battle and you loose important assets - suck it up like Nimitz (or Tojo) and carry on. [8D] Or use your 1 self imposed mulligan but then wait till next year.

iii) Ship movements off map (or the edge of map) should be at normal speeds and escorted properly even though the game permits them to be practically invincible

iv) PDU (Player defined upgrades) OFF. Play with the assets Nimitz had (or Tojo)

siRkid -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/4/2020 2:34:44 PM)

Just picked this up. Was a big fan of WitP. I can't find a way to set the resolution or run in a window. Any ideas?

821Bobo -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/4/2020 2:38:15 PM)



Just picked this up. Was a big fan of WitP. I can't find a way to set the resolution or run in a window. Any ideas?

you can use seabee or add parameters -w/-f in launch shortcut

Treetop64 -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/6/2020 8:19:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: rustysi

Absolutely a great buy for this 'time vampire'.


We remember that :)

This "game" ain't for everyone, apparently.

soulsilver -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/7/2020 1:07:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: streetsahead1985

It's been on my radar for years, so I should probably pull the trigger. Does the game hold up pretty well (I know this is a silly question considering the forum that I'm on)? How does it compare to other Grigsby titles?

Dont forget to install the official patch once you've bought the game. It fixes alot of problems and adds quality of life stuff like being able to see naval search radiuses and air group range.

Randy Stead -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/18/2020 9:39:43 PM)

New guy here in this forum making his debut post [though I have played other Matrix games for years] who was unaware of this game until I recently went onto the Matrix site after a hiatus of years away from gaming. I had a major medical issue that took me away from gaming. Okay, against my better judgment I will share some details. Six years ago I had a seizure at work brought on by a, to that point, undetected brain tumor that had been with me since adolescence. I had some signs that at the time were attributed to me "getting older" but which in retrospect were attributable to the influence of the tumor as it began to enlarge and exert pressure inside my cranium; headaches, mental lassitude, personality change. Bottom line is I had it removed and after five years or so of recovery I am ready to get back to my hobby of historical wargaming.

Many years ago I played War in the Pacific and enjoyed it. To my pleasant surprise I saw that Gary Grigsby had reworked that classic. The Matrix deal was too good to pass up. I am amazed by the detail in this version and want to learn to play it. I am in the process of reading about updates and utilities associated with the game. My installed version is 1.8.1126a but I am aware there is at least one more recent update available. My current desktop is an 8-core Intel CPU at 3.6 GHz, 16 GM of RAM, 8 GB of video RAM, so I am sure it will run fine. I am just not sure if I have to tweak it to run on a multi-core machine. I did fire it up and watched the AI Japanese attack Pearl and it seemed to run fine.

I bought a download version and wished there was a boxed version available, so that I could have a paper manual. My eyes don't like reading pdf manuals. I printed it off on a colour laser printer and have it stored in a spiffy 3-ring binder. I even custom printed front and spine labels so that it looks good on my bookshelf. The more I read it the more I want to get into, but I will not let my haste ruin the experience. I plan to learn what I can and then perform a properly laid out update routine.

Randy Stead -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/18/2020 9:44:56 PM)








I am enticed and I've owned the game since it's release day in 2009. [:D]

I'm so enticed that I'm thinking about buying a second copy 🤔. Just because I could....GP

I bought two copies. I'm giving one to my brother for Christmas. But first I have to learn how to tweak and optimize the game. He relies on me to do any advanced work on his computer. Everyone in my family looks to me as their 'guru" and think, "I don't have to learn anything. I'll just get Randy to do it for me."

RangerJoe -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/18/2020 11:00:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Randy Stead








I am enticed and I've owned the game since it's release day in 2009. [:D]

I'm so enticed that I'm thinking about buying a second copy 🤔. Just because I could....GP

I bought two copies. I'm giving one to my brother for Christmas. But first I have to learn how to tweak and optimize the game. He relies on me to do any advanced work on his computer. Everyone in my family looks to me as their 'guru" and think, "I don't have to learn anything. I'll just get Randy to do it for me."

Look up SeeBee and use that, then go from there if you need/want to.

That Texas college shooter in the 1960s had a brain tumor. That is what caused him to do what he did, at least you were not affected that way and are better now. Take care and enjoy life.

rustysi -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/19/2020 3:58:46 AM)


The more I read it the more I want to get into, but I will not let my haste

Good approach, so far. As you can see the game is very complex and will take time to learn.

Welcome aboard.

Now say goodbye to everyone you know, you've just entered the 'twilight zone'.[:D]

Randy Stead -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/19/2020 8:05:50 PM)

Thanks for the greetings.

Yes, this game is a beast, but I feel up to the challenge. In face, I relish having a grognard-level game to tear into. It's been too long since I played a highly detailed grand strategic level game.

I was telling my wife about the game and she replied, "I'm going to become a computer widow, again."

Randy Stead -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/19/2020 8:13:00 PM)




ORIGINAL: Randy Stead








I am enticed and I've owned the game since it's release day in 2009. [:D]

I'm so enticed that I'm thinking about buying a second copy 🤔. Just because I could....GP

I bought two copies. I'm giving one to my brother for Christmas. But first I have to learn how to tweak and optimize the game. He relies on me to do any advanced work on his computer. Everyone in my family looks to me as their 'guru" and think, "I don't have to learn anything. I'll just get Randy to do it for me."

Look up SeeBee and use that, then go from there if you need/want to.

That Texas college shooter in the 1960s had a brain tumor. That is what caused him to do what he did, at least you were not affected that way and are better now. Take care and enjoy life.

I did not know Charles Joseph Whitman had a brain tumor. I can sort of understand how that may have affected him, but ultimatley I find it difficult to excuse such action. I understand that there can be physiological factors that affect our behaviour, but I also prefer to believe that as rational beings we should be able to restrain our basest impulses. Who knows, really? I do recall that I was becoming more aggravated as time went on, but the worst part was how I felt when they began giving me anti-seizure medications after the surgery. That stuff was making me loco. Fortunately, and here is where I believe rationality can play its part, I was self-monitoring and perceive changes to my personality that I did not like. So did my friends and family. I consulted my neurologist and got it taken care of and I am happy to report I feel much more like the quiet, deep thinking guy I have always been.

Thanks for the regards, and the advice. I have downloaded SeeBee and will get to it after I finish perusing the forum.

Edit: Seinfeld did a bit about assassins having three names. Then some wisecracker, maybe George, said "Sirhan Sirhan." Perhaps his middle name was also Sirhan?

RangerJoe -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/19/2020 8:58:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Randy Stead




ORIGINAL: Randy Stead








I am enticed and I've owned the game since it's release day in 2009. [:D]

I'm so enticed that I'm thinking about buying a second copy 🤔. Just because I could....GP

I bought two copies. I'm giving one to my brother for Christmas. But first I have to learn how to tweak and optimize the game. He relies on me to do any advanced work on his computer. Everyone in my family looks to me as their 'guru" and think, "I don't have to learn anything. I'll just get Randy to do it for me."

Look up SeeBee and use that, then go from there if you need/want to.

That Texas college shooter in the 1960s had a brain tumor. That is what caused him to do what he did, at least you were not affected that way and are better now. Take care and enjoy life.

I did not know Charles Joseph Whitman had a brain tumor. I can sort of understand how that may have affected him, but ultimatley I find it difficult to excuse such action. I understand that there can be physiological factors that affect our behaviour, but I also prefer to believe that as rational beings we should be able to restrain our basest impulses. Who knows, really? I do recall that I was becoming more aggravated as time went on, but the worst part was how I felt when they began giving me anti-seizure medications after the surgery. That stuff was making me loco. Fortunately, and here is where I believe rationality can play its part, I was self-monitoring and perceive changes to my personality that I did not like. So did my friends and family. I consulted my neurologist and got it taken care of and I am happy to report I feel much more like the quiet, deep thinking guy I have always been.

Thanks for the regards, and the advice. I have downloaded SeeBee and will get to it after I finish perusing the forum.

Edit: Seinfeld did a bit about assassins having three names. Then some wisecracker, maybe George, said "Sirhan Sirhan." Perhaps his middle name was also Sirhan?

They have found that people with depression can rewire their brains so they are not as affected by the depression. Maybe that is what you did without knowing it. The state of medical technology in the 1960's was too low to help him.

Ian R -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/20/2020 6:49:24 AM)

Buy it.

Probably the most cost efficient $16 worth of entertainment you will ever get.

Randy Stead -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/20/2020 4:50:47 PM)

With use of SeaBee I was able last night to get the game fully patched. Took it for a quick run to experiment with the delay settings as I find the messages flash by so quickly. I lengthened the delay to 2.0 which seems just right. And of course there is the summary, so I don't miss any vital information. I like to observe the action with bated breath and cheer or shout, like a sports fan watching a game on television. I watched the IJN do its attack on Pearl and elsewhere on the 12-7-41 turn. The AI did not enjoy historical success; only Arizona was sunk at Pearl and only HMS Repulse was sunk in the attack on Force Z. I didn't let the game run any further so perhaps there may have been a ship or two that would succumb later to damage, but nothing was damaged over 70 in flotation.

I stayed up until nearly 2 AM reading the manual. I see I have a new addiction developing.

BBfanboy -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/20/2020 5:03:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Randy Stead

With use of SeaBee I was able last night to get the game fully patched. Took it for a quick run to experiment with the delay settings as I find the messages flash by so quickly. I lengthened the delay to 2.0 which seems just right. And of course there is the summary, so I don't miss any vital information. I like to observe the action with bated breath and cheer or shout, like a sports fan watching a game on television. I watched the IJN do its attack on Pearl and elsewhere on the 12-7-41 turn. The AI did not enjoy historical success; only Arizona was sunk at Pearl and only HMS Repulse was sunk in the attack on Force Z. I didn't let the game run any further so perhaps there may have been a ship or two that would succumb later to damage, but nothing was damaged over 70 in flotation.

I stayed up until nearly 2 AM reading the manual. I see I have a new addiction developing.

We all recognize the symptoms! [:D]

RangerJoe -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/20/2020 5:07:31 PM)




ORIGINAL: Randy Stead

With use of SeaBee I was able last night to get the game fully patched. Took it for a quick run to experiment with the delay settings as I find the messages flash by so quickly. I lengthened the delay to 2.0 which seems just right. And of course there is the summary, so I don't miss any vital information. I like to observe the action with bated breath and cheer or shout, like a sports fan watching a game on television. I watched the IJN do its attack on Pearl and elsewhere on the 12-7-41 turn. The AI did not enjoy historical success; only Arizona was sunk at Pearl and only HMS Repulse was sunk in the attack on Force Z. I didn't let the game run any further so perhaps there may have been a ship or two that would succumb later to damage, but nothing was damaged over 70 in flotation.

I stayed up until nearly 2 AM reading the manual. I see I have a new addiction developing.

We all recognize the symptoms! [:D]

Only until 2 AM? [:-] Not until 5 PM the next day?

Randy Stead -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/20/2020 5:11:10 PM)

I try to get the light turned out before SHE wakes up and screams at me.

RangerJoe -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/20/2020 5:16:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Randy Stead

I try to get the light turned out before SHE wakes up and screams at me.


RFalvo69 -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/20/2020 10:18:02 PM)

This is a gigantor video-AAR of the grand campaign done by some lunatic back in 2016. The "set up for the war" video is 10 hours long [X(] Other videos are usually 1H long each. It took him one year and two months to play the whole thing.

rustysi -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/21/2020 3:10:38 AM)


I was telling my wife about the game and she replied, "I'm going to become a computer widow, again."

Be honest, just tell her, yes.[:D]

rustysi -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/21/2020 3:18:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: Randy Stead

I try to get the light turned out before SHE wakes up and screams at me.

Been there, done that.

I remember years ago being up late one night (again) and trying to be so quiet when I went up to bed. Well just my luck, we actually had an earthquake that night, a 4.2 somewhere up near Yonkers, NY.

Are you ****tin' me, really? That exactly what I thought. It woke her up when all of the knickknacks in her dresser started shaking. Busted.[:D]

RangerJoe -> RE: WITP:AE now $16 (12/21/2020 3:30:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: Randy Stead

I try to get the light turned out before SHE wakes up and screams at me.

Been there, done that.

I remember years ago being up late one night (again) and trying to be so quiet when I went up to bed. Well just my luck, we actually had an earthquake that night, a 4.2 somewhere up near Yonkers, NY.

Are you ****tin' me, really? That exactly what I thought. It woke her up when all of the knickknacks in her dresser started shaking. Busted.[:D]

Well, we generally know when the ground around here is going to shake. A certain day of the week around a certain time. [8D]

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