Expansions worth it? (Full Version)

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JamesHunt -> Expansions worth it? (11/30/2020 7:04:38 AM)

I am interested in the campaigns both offer. Are they a good addition?

I favour lower unit counts of TOTH and wouldn´t like to go big. I aslo favour TOTH for its tank combat.

Hailstone -> RE: Expansions worth it? (12/1/2020 9:18:04 PM)

JamesHunt, the campaigns are lengthy affairs with lots of units. Many have posted that the campaigns run very slow on most PC's due to the large number of units and terrain. The scenarios that come with the campaign dlc's have no problems playing and they are small to medium size, if I recall correctly. [:)]

JamesHunt -> RE: Expansions worth it? (12/3/2020 12:46:48 AM)

I might take a look at some of the user made campaigns then and see if I can find something there with smaller unit counts.

Many thanks

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