Vic -> RE: [1.06.05] workers - lack of emuneration bad tooltip ? (12/15/2020 10:26:07 AM)
ORIGINAL: jbrender After approximately turn 100 to 110 in a recent game, I started having this same problem. Several of my zones were reporting -2 or -3 worker happiness point drops turn over turn, mostly due to "lack of remuneration." This gradually eroded happiness in several of my zones down towards 40 points and seemingly ready to go even lower. Raising worker wages from 0.006 to 0.01 had essentially no lasting effect. My treasury was capable of paying all of them (over 60,000 credits saved), yet I kept seeing this reason listed for the worker happiness drops, almost as if I was not paying them or that these levels were below the levels paid in the private economy (they were not - almost all were within 0.003 credits and no zones had private economies that paid more than 0.01). I was only running a 30% income tax and no sales tax. This was in 1.06.05 - latest stable. can you send a savefile to with a link to this thread? thanks! best, Vic