EricLarsen -> 2.1 Crash to Desktop (8/14/2003 1:16:16 AM)
I had a corvette that lost it's drive and had to send a ship to rescue it. As soon as I set the rescue ship on it's way and clicked to restart the clock the program crashed to the desktop. I went back into the game and was able to continue onwards but when my rescue ship got to the scene my stranded ship was gone. Don't know if it was the small enemy scout I found near the scene of the crime that my ship started to haul off before I told it to stop that and head off on another mission. I'm not sure if I lost the ship during the crash or it was lost normally because the enemy blew it up before I could rescue it. It also could have been somehow taken over by the enemy but I had a corvette and what I found was a scout. Eric Larsen
mendaliv -> (8/18/2003 10:55:39 AM)
Man, that sucks.
This crashing is a known issue, too, as you can see here.
Apparently, the crash problem was either deeper than was originally thought, or the dev(s) are busy with other projects...
Either way, I'd appreciate an official word on the progress, and, if it's gonna be a loooong time to fix, the recommendation to reinstall and/or a version 2.0 retrograde patch...
Andrew Ewanchyna -> (8/18/2003 9:48:14 PM)
Sorry, It's summer. I am happy to say that my tennis serve is better now. :D I should have the next patch finished by today. I'll keep you posted.