Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (8/16/2003 5:24:36 AM)
God I wish I could afford hard drives that easy hehe. Me,I download stuff it goes to burned cd. If I type up anything of merit it goes to burned cd. I never use a program if I don't actually have the real deal either. I like XP because XP makes mincemeat of the process of formating a system. First OS that has ever done that, that I recall. 98SE the only thing I can say about it, is it will run some of my old wargames that are increasingly being bettered by new programs. Blue screen, hmmmm that was something that happened with computers and involved a blue screen correct? Been so long since I have seen one, my recollection is a bit faded now. One thing I like about XP, it doesn't run around and have a snit if I lose power suddenly (rather handy this weekend). With 98 SE or earlier, losing power meant it insisted on repairing something. It it liked blue screens too. But even XP benefits from the ole clean out. Pack up your troubles and format. Best way to know something you don't want there ain't there, is to format. Of course some people just like to hoard garbage on their computer, and won't do anything to safeguard it.