Locked AI units not staying in place (Full Version)

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blackcloud6 -> Locked AI units not staying in place (12/21/2020 7:50:57 PM)

I am working on a scenario and I take a tank platoon, put it in free formation, place the tanks where I want them, reattach them to the HQ and then lock the HQ. I save the scenario. When I come back later to edit more of the scenario, open the editor and file and the platoon is not where I put it and is in line formation and unlocked. I've tried this many times and cannot get it to work. What is going on?

Veitikka -> RE: Locked AI units not staying in place (12/22/2020 11:12:04 PM)

Only the platoon position is saved, not the individual unit positions.

Af1352pasha -> RE: Locked AI units not staying in place (12/23/2020 12:26:48 PM)

in company level formation , they remain in vicinity of location you set for them , but not exactly location you placed such as infantry in building , so don't waste to micro management!

blackcloud6 -> RE: Locked AI units not staying in place (12/23/2020 2:05:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Veitikka

Only the platoon position is saved, not the individual unit positions.


ORIGINAL: Af1352pasha

in company level formation , they remain in vicinity of location you set for them , but not exactly location you placed such as infantry in building , so don't waste to micro management!

Yeah, after playing around with it a bit, I finally figured out that is how it is working. So then I kept playing with the defend mission and different formations until I got the sub-units emplaced somewhat how I wanted them to be.

Thanks to both of you for your answers.

nikolas93TS -> RE: Locked AI units not staying in place (12/23/2020 2:06:01 PM)

In my scenarios, I rarely give human player company formations unless they are small (for example Soviet tank company). Since rotation, formation type and width are memorised, they can be placed fairly accurately.

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