Wow 2.0 signal (Full Version)

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Gray Fox -> Wow 2.0 signal (12/22/2020 8:31:20 PM)

A signal from a planet not on lock down.

OldSarge -> RE: Wow 2.0 signal (12/23/2020 1:19:16 PM)

Scientific American: Signal from Proxima Centauri

Interesting, but the signal appears to lack modulation which doesn't convey information. Importantly, there hasn't been a second confirmation of the signal either from Parkes or other observatories. This could all change with more scrutiny.

LarryP -> RE: Wow 2.0 signal (12/23/2020 5:44:08 PM)

982 mhz is a frequency that does not travel well, it's way high. The slightest object in the way will reflect it or destroy it. Right now our solar flux is where signals at any range don't go far at all except in rare and small intervals. It's been bad for several years and has rendered amateur radio almost useless. Every eleven years we have a solar cycle that lasts for about a year that helps propagation tremendously, but it's not happening yet, and it's due. Interesting...

Solar Flux

When the middle number from the above link (A) is zero, then the atmospheric noise is where signals can be understood. It's been high for years, terribly high. Something is going on.

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