ssiviour -> Dakar MIL Not Disembark North Africa (12/30/2020 8:42:34 PM)
Version is, this file was originally Netplay but have converted to H2H May/June 1941, France not Vichied or conquered. Game will not let me Disembark Dakar MIL anywhere in French controlled North Africa, would not meet Foreign Troop commitment limits. Can Disembark in Mainland France and Corsica. INF DIV can land North Africa. In the turn previously the Axis DOW Greece which was Aligned to CW. Game would not let Dakar MIL land in Greece for same reason, also during return to base Phase could not RTB in Syria or Djibouti for the same reason. If this was a Territorial I would understand, but as a MIL I beleive it should be allowed.