Formation Selection Question (opinion) (Full Version)

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Zovs -> Formation Selection Question (opinion) (12/31/2020 1:01:59 PM)

Just a question on your opinion on the following color selection for formations.

Dark Purple is the selected unit and lighter Purple is the units in the formation.






Tried some other schemes but Red and Yellow don't work so well, when their is now the possibility of those colors being used for counters with the new XML color scheme methods.

76mm -> RE: Formation Selection Question (opinion) (12/31/2020 1:07:14 PM)

Well, I can't speak for others, but I have to say that those are two of my least favorite colors, so I don't care for the mod at all. That said, as long as you like it, why does it matter what anyone thinks? I'm sure that someone out there other than you will like it.

Zovs -> RE: Formation Selection Question (opinion) (12/31/2020 2:09:11 PM)

Well what I am aiming for is colors that are distinguishable. I am not overly fond of them either, hence my question. It seems that red and yellow ones can get lost, although the Red one does stand out a bit more on the maps.

Zovs -> RE: Formation Selection Question (opinion) (12/31/2020 3:47:34 PM)

Okay here is take two?

again, looking for feedback:




Zovs -> RE: Formation Selection Question (opinion) (12/31/2020 3:49:12 PM)

Here is some non-SS/Black units:


76mm -> RE: Formation Selection Question (opinion) (12/31/2020 4:42:59 PM)

I like that one much better, but so far plan to stick with the red/yellow ones I've been using--I think that they work pretty well with most maps/countersets, at least for my eyes.

Lobster -> RE: Formation Selection Question (opinion) (12/31/2020 6:29:55 PM)

Not purple. [:D]

Red and orange work well. For me yellow can be too hard to find.

Zovs -> RE: Formation Selection Question (opinion) (12/31/2020 11:29:28 PM)

Thanks Jack!

Yeah, no matter what I do I can't seem to find the right fragrance of colors.



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