Larry Bond's Harpoon Ultimate Edition (Full Version)

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ajsant -> Larry Bond's Harpoon Ultimate Edition (1/3/2021 9:51:06 PM)

Hello! I am running into a error when launching. I get the following error.

Expired GE

This version has expired! Please visit AGSI and Download newest beta.

What is AGSI?

Running on Windows 7.

Thanks for your time and attention!

TonyE -> RE: Larry Bond's Harpoon Ultimate Edition (1/3/2021 9:59:08 PM)

Find the current build(s) at

If you find poorly sized dialog boxes after apply the updates you will want to clear out your previous sizes with

Let us know if you need anything else.

ajsant -> RE: Larry Bond's Harpoon Ultimate Edition (1/3/2021 10:51:57 PM)

Thank you for your fast response! Installed version 017 and it worked fine, but version 018 caused the same error. Saying it expired on 1st Jan 2021.

I reinstalled 017 again and it works fine. Did I do something wrong?

Is there away to make expiration for 2035. I figure that will allow me to play all the Battlesets and Scenarios to completion at least twice.[:D]

TonyE -> RE: Larry Bond's Harpoon Ultimate Edition (1/4/2021 1:44:26 AM)

The instructions should say to install 2018.002 then 2020.017. Yes, the 2018 build has expired, the 2020.017 (the 17th build of the year 2020) build has not. I want to keep pushing you all to semi-recent builds so that any issue reports are made with fairly recent versions plus you get all the newest goodies that way too.

AGSI is Advanced Gaming Systems Incorporated, a company that held the rights to the computer adaptations of Harpoon for many years. The rights were to have been returned to Larry Bond & Chris Carlson a while back. Those of us at HarpGamer keep plugging along as a group of volunteers improving the game in what free time we can carve out.

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