Siwa world without Open Air Farm (Full Version)

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zgrssd -> Siwa world without Open Air Farm (1/10/2021 8:41:13 PM)

I started a game on a Siwa class world. The world is fully suiteable for Open Air Farming. There was a lot of space for open Air farming around the city.

Yet the starting Farm is a Agriculture dome, wich porduces barely enough for my existing military of 1 army.

I noticed that I have 18 RAD on the City hex, maybe that caused it?

Vic -> RE: Siwa world without Open Air Farm (1/12/2021 4:04:03 PM)

More likely it is the average temperature of the Hex

zgrssd -> RE: Siwa world without Open Air Farm (1/12/2021 8:19:16 PM)

If it was temperature, then the Xenofarm should still work or not?

Temeprature is 34°C in winter. Tropical planet avereage is 39/40°C.
32°C Planetology temperature, 11° axis tilt.

newageofpower -> RE: Siwa world without Open Air Farm (1/12/2021 8:54:57 PM)

Xenofarming usually can survive a wider range of temperatures compared to Terran farming. In my experience.

V4ndall -> RE: Siwa world without Open Air Farm (1/13/2021 12:44:08 PM)

Check the xeno crops agricultural details in the help tab. It's possible to roll a completely flora covered planet with edible crops suitable for a very atypical temperature bracket for that planet. I had a world with -30 - 20'C and xeno crops being barely growable at the poles with optimal temp around -50'C and max barely coming to those -30'C.

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