Feature suggestion (Full Version)

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FaneFlugt -> Feature suggestion (1/21/2021 11:28:55 AM)

I was looking for a thread about the upcoming patch ([&o]) to post this in. But after spending a few minutes gave up.

Would it be possible to add a pop up box to enemy and your own units in the battle report loss section. So the players can see the same information stats that is available in inventory and replacement tab?

Some people might object to this so maybe add is as an option?

FaneFlugt -> RE: Feature suggestion (3/11/2021 8:51:41 PM)

Feature suggestion 2.

Would it be possible to change how units in tactical reserve react to an adjacent hex being attacked.

A unit should only join if the AR (attack ratio) is above 100. As it is now then it is too easy to launch a small probe with a crappy unit and lure an entire enemy army into the hex as support, and then attack the hex next to it in the next impulse. or launch a massive artilleri barrage on the hex. (gamey moves, but legal, that I am sure we are all guily of)

This change shouldnt work with scenarios that have shorter turns than a day. As time is also a factor, somehow, I think. I am not sure if the AR should even be the decisive factor. Maybe someone has a better idea? or can explain why it is a stupid idea, to begin with?

Lobster -> RE: Feature suggestion (3/11/2021 9:07:57 PM)

We have trouble getting simple bugs fixed. Last time was...uhm...never. Only time there is a patch is when new features are added. 'Precious coding time' can't be wasted is the current theme. But it never hurts to ask. Sounds like good suggestions to me. [:)]

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