kentkroeckel -> AAR Before turn 3 Allies (1/22/2021 3:23:41 AM)
AAR for Allies before turn 3 Hello to all gamers who enjoy the challenge of War in the West (WitW). I have been invited to do an After Action Report, (AAR) on a 1943-945 long turn campaign game that has just started. All boxes were checked so this includes East Front (EF) active. This is my first AAR so I am not familiar with format. Therefore, please be patient while I learn what organizational style is best. I would like to propose a topic on each major turn and get insight by WitW community. All I ask from everyone is to be respectful to each other. There are not many absolutes in game play so what might be a successful strategy in one could be a dismal failure against another opponent. Please keep that in mind, even if you disagree with a comment. My name is Kent (Allies) and my opponent’s name is Mr. Gerry (Germany). Remember, we are here to have fun, gain insight, and maybe share a nugget of wisdom on game mechanics. I decided to only use three amphibious HQ's for initial invasion and this is the first point of discussion. This is not my first game of WitW so that leaves me without excuse as to what I did. I had not been challenged by Germany on an initial invasion for so long that I thought Allies’ three amphibious HQ's would be enough. Let me clarify a few details to this. Two of my three hexes were port invasion hexes. This left me with just one true beach head; the kind that allows Allies to pour in vast amounts of reinforcements. And yes, all units were supplied with one or two support elements. Of course if an Allied unit is given three, then it will not be able to launch in first turn. Additionally, the port hex of Gela always retains its reinforcement level. Below are screen shots before start of Allies turn 3.This means before reduction of German naval intervention. [image][/image] My objective was to make sure I had one good reinforcement hex in initial invasion since I was invading in and around Sicily with the three remaining amphibious HQ's. For sake of argument let us assume that Germany can take two landing points in initial invasion. Though I feel British beachheads are tougher than the American ones. And in fact Germany did take the American port / city of Gela, which was a functional port. As we all know, any port that is taken uncontested usually keeps its reinforcement level. The other port, Siracusa is not worth much, as it relates to reinforcements for a few turns. In retrospect, I wish I had invaded on three dedicated beaches. Topic: I conclude that three regular beaches will prevent Germany with the opportunity to impede Allied reinforcement flow. I now ask the community; facing best case for Germany, how would you play initial Allied invasion? Specifically, how many invasion hexes would you dedicate to Allied invasion? 0-6. Please specify what type. Two are cities and four are beach. Please explain the reasoning and to what goal you wish to achieve? Finally, if you still feel like writing, please give worst case scenario and what you would do in altering your invasion to salvage from your worst case scenario. “A victory or defeat can usually be obtained in the same battle.” I am sure through time someone has uttered this. [image]local://upfiles/57128/3B788B721AAD4F5B892BE79A6D15C0D4.jpg[/image]