CaesarAug -> RE: Strategic Command WWII: World at War - v1.09.00 (2/19/2021 7:18:27 PM)
ORIGINAL: clausewitzclausewitz Any update on DEI fix? Thanks. In the meantime, this issue is very easily moddable by the player. In the Scripts folder, in the Mobilization #2 script, search for these activation parameters regarding Italy’s Axis mobilisation: ; 2 Allied Amphibious units within 20 hexes of Syracuse Port #CONDITION_POSITION= 104,60 [20,20] [2,2] [2] [0] <47,48> ; 7 or more Allied naval units within 12 hexes of Syracuse Port #CONDITION_POSITION= 104,60 [12,12] [7,7] [2] [0] In a few lines above these parameters, change the #Country ID= 33 which incorrectly activates Dutch East Indies mobilisation, to #Country ID= 59, which is Italy’s number code. Seemingly, this should set things aright. [:D]