Questions for newer player (Full Version)

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peaceandthought -> Questions for newer player (1/27/2021 4:54:24 PM)

Hey all:

Greatly enjoying the game over PBEM with my wargamer dad. Lots of explosions. It's great!

A few questions:

Could someone explain to me how victory conditions work? I just finished Eyes, Ears, and Teeth as the Soviets. Destroyed about 45% of NATO forces, lost 55% of my own, secured every VP hex but one. Why did I lose?

When we wrap up a PBEM, whoever triggers the end-game condition seems to be able to peruse the final map and read the final readout, but the other player just sees it as a completed game he cannot get into. Bug? Or am I missing something?

In this last scenario, I had a lot of infantry with ATGMs and BMPs with ATGMs, but even in clear weather with nice line of sight, they NEVER seemed to fire them. Anything I could be missing there?


mirrorshades -> RE: Questions for newer player (1/27/2021 5:45:20 PM)

Pay attention to the information on the Tactical Operations Center screens for each turn. It will give you an overview of victory points and various other information that should help you make decisions along the way.

CapnDarwin -> RE: Questions for newer player (1/28/2021 1:14:33 AM)

Why did you lose? Depending on the scenario you may have lost too much of your high-value units that getting all the VPs does not counter the losses. Also possible that the enemy force had a small force on the map and that pushed the VP percentage rating for the type of victory in their favor. Our scoring assessment is dynamic.

PBEM++ has a few bugs right now after the latest server migration and not being able to view the end game is one of them.

MEch units in good cover like woods and city hexes will hold fires until the enemy units close to avoid exposing early and getting hammer by arty or just shot to pieces by the enemy. We are changing control of those settings in the new game engine for Southern Storm so the users can set SOPs to their liking and situation.

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