peaceandthought -> Questions for newer player (1/27/2021 4:54:24 PM)
Hey all: Greatly enjoying the game over PBEM with my wargamer dad. Lots of explosions. It's great! A few questions: Could someone explain to me how victory conditions work? I just finished Eyes, Ears, and Teeth as the Soviets. Destroyed about 45% of NATO forces, lost 55% of my own, secured every VP hex but one. Why did I lose? When we wrap up a PBEM, whoever triggers the end-game condition seems to be able to peruse the final map and read the final readout, but the other player just sees it as a completed game he cannot get into. Bug? Or am I missing something? In this last scenario, I had a lot of infantry with ATGMs and BMPs with ATGMs, but even in clear weather with nice line of sight, they NEVER seemed to fire them. Anything I could be missing there? Thanks! John