rkr1958 -> RE: Nothing intuitive here, move along (2/15/2021 2:18:43 AM)
ORIGINAL: Joseignacio quote:
ORIGINAL: rkr1958 quote:
ORIGINAL: rustysi quote:
ORIGINAL: juntoalmar quote:
ORIGINAL: Joseignacio Production is a nightmare So I guess it's not working properly yet. Which make me think, shouldn't the production be fixed before putting effort in the AIO? I mean, it is something much simpler than the AI. To begin with, the AIO should do its production, doesn't it? So, you need to fix production AI to have a working AIO, anyway. I feel you could fix a smaller problem, faster, and that will benefit all the players now (not only those playing against the AIO in the future). Just an opinion. I'm just the FNG here, but it looks to me that it does work. Looking at the video tutorials #13,14. Its definitely a convoluted process, and you may have to tell it a few times what it is you wish it to do, but it does seem to work in the end. Or am I wrong? rustyi, here's my take on it. The current production/convoy system in MWiF has two learning curves. One modest and one steep. The modest one will generally get folks to the 90% optimum solution and the steep one will get you to 99%. A number, if not most, WiF players (i.e., of the cardboard and paper version) are use to getting to the 99 to 100% solution. Without climbing up the steep learning curve these players only get the 90% solution and are frustrated. Truth be told, sometimes the frustration is valid but sometimes the WiF player has been playing a rule incorrectly. I have seen video tutorial 13 and I am 99% sure I don't make mistakes, I check all the routes and the convs, plan them, when the AI doesn't send them how I want, I TRY to edit them, following the video instructions, I can tell the difference between COMPUTED, DEFAULT and OVERRIDE and how to edit the two latter ones. BUT IT SIMPLY DOESN'T work. The AI or AD (artificial Dumbness)Keeps using my Central Atlantic Convoys to reach North Athlantic in spite that there are more than enough conv in the East coast and I select those ones. It accepts the new DEFAULT but undoes another line that used to go through East coast and sends it again through Central Ath, just like if there were not enough in the route I propose - just, there are enough. [:-] But not only this, sometimes it uses the Bay of Biscay when there are enough Conv in Feroes, vampirizing the convoyes assigned to South Africa resources or other african ones. I consider it impossible, even following the tutorial teachings, and with the right amount of convoys not to lose 2 or3 of the resources just because of this. And this is not a minor thing in the long run. I mean, 2 or 3 lost only after careful and several hours of correcting the madness the AD offers initially, where you can easily lose 4 or 5... And this, after having to navigate though some absolutely not friendly instructions.When it would be much, much easier and much, much more efficient that the player told the computer where he wants his resources to go through one by one . Even though this may seem to take more time, I promise by far it ain't so. The computer could pop up a message if you want to pass one resource through a zone you dont have any more conv and that's all. No Artificial Dumbness needed. I have seen 4 times the 13 tutorial (1 hour+), and used up more than 20 hours fighting the AD over the usage of convoys putting together all the times (yes, I am persistent) and NEVER could make those 2 resources to work even with the right convoys route. Forum Member RKR had the same experience (and he is not unskilled either), so he edits the saves to add conv to compensate (but they offer more prize for subs both in battle and sometimes in search) or adds oil or bp saved where they should have reached. That, not to speak of when we have bugs like the Trade Agreements work in turn M/A but not in M/J without any change in the agreements, like it has happened with NEI oil for example. It's really a shame. Not that there is this problem, games have bugs, but that it's not addressed and it stings even more being the solution so simple. So this is the great secret. All that info on how to set which sea areas your convoy routes take in the tutorial video 13 no longer works and hasn't worked for several versions now. The "steep" learning curve I refer to is not documented anywhere and, for me, pretty much self learned. There are some tricks, oh I mean techniques, that I and others have picked up along the way that work but aren't really documented anywhere. For example, here's something that I've learned which seems to work and deals with, "sometimes it uses the Bay of Biscay when there are enough Conv in Feroes, vampirizing the convoyes assigned to South Africa resources or other african ones." For the Canadian RPs that you desire to go through the Faeroes Gap leave them unset. That is, DO NOT set their default or override to any factory. Leave both default and override UNSET. For the African RPs that you want to go through the Bay of Biscay DO set their default to a UK factory (i.e., Leeds, London, etc.). What I believe MWiF does is route resources in order of 3 priorities: (1) trade, (2) default/override and (3) unset. What I've found is the African RPs will be routed to the UK through the Bay of Biscay before (I surmise) MWiF considers routing the unset Canadian RPs. Then when it finally gets around ot the unset RPs the only route available is through the Faeroes Gap. I've found that this works like a charm and takes me 5 minutes or less after I got the hang of it. Also, to be clear, do NOT waste your time trying to set specific sea areas for a RP to travel. This no longer works and all you will do, I've found, is waste your time and get very frustrated. This function no longer works as "advertised" in the tutorial for several versions now.