UnionWarDog -> .Col file - What do the numbers mean? (2/1/2021 5:05:10 PM)
Hi guys, What do these color numbers mean and how to you change the color to another color? I get that the Main BG is the icon color, the BG is the area behind the symbol and the foreground is the symbol color but.....what in the world is this number combo? "2242390" Where do you find that? Is it the Red, Green, Blue color scheme or the Hue Sat Lum combo? That number is a complete mystery to me. Don't seem to find it in the manual either (old manual was for creating custom .bmp/.png Unit files). Example date from a .Col file (Antietam scenario) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GAME> <ICONCOLOR> <COLOR ID="0" MainBackground="2242390" Background="4612266" Foreground="15724527" Numbers="15527148"/> <COLOR ID="1" MainBackground="21125" Background="8650752" Foreground="16777116" Numbers="15527148"/> <COLOR ID="2" MainBackground="21125" Background="255" Foreground="16250871" Numbers="15527148"/> <COLOR ID="3" MainBackground="21125" Background="16250871" Foreground="0" Numbers="43495"/> BRD!