BillRunacre -> RE: Suggestions to correct some inaccuracies and errors (2/4/2021 7:20:34 PM)
ORIGINAL: IIo4Tu 1.In one of the latest updates, you blocked research for China's heavy bombers, why didn't you do the same for India? 2.There is still useless technology for China and India, but available for research are advanced submarines. In addition Naval warfare and anti submarine weapons are useless for India. I propose to block the above, and it is better to assign the value N/A to these positions for better visual perception. 3.When declaring war on the Soviet Union in 1940 (I was attacked in April), Zhukov's headquarters appears with a rating of 5 instead of 8, this is probably a bug. 4. From the point of view of history, the game does not present the possibility of forming the famous Normandy-Niemen squadron on the side of the USSR. Perhaps you should add such an event script? 5.In the current reality, how justified is the status of a major for Poland, it lives a maximum of three rounds? Maybe it's time to give it minor status for good measure? Thanks for the feedback and I can see the issue with Zhukov. [:)] As to Poland, if it were a minor then for several turns another Major would receive their income, which wouldn't be right. Additionally it is a way of highlight the large contribution to the Allied war effort that the Polish people made throughout the conflict, and it also provides the ability for them to have their own Decision Events.