Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (8/19/2003 10:14:48 PM)
The SC Strategy Guide is a must download along with the game. SC shines best when you don't get upset that your opponent pulled a fast one on you. The game has numerous "Gambits" that the hardcore have uncovered during repeated playings of the game. This has generated a handfull of "houserules" to make it so people will refrain from using them. Personally, I am an old Advanced Third Reich grognard, and we never had houserules to prevent brutal strategies. I have also never heard of a houserule preventing 3 move checkmate either. SC is a game you can load up and start playing with no need to even read the manual. Of course your first game will likely make you look like an unimaginative buffoon too hehe (mine did). I don't suggest the not read the manual option if you are playing any of the crowd from the SC forum at Battlefront. Unless you actually enjoy being beaten up hehe. SC is beer and pretzels all the way, the Panzer General of grand strategy gaming. The game has it's share of patches, I strongly suggest that you play the game with the attitude it is a stable design, but prone to it's share of open ended what if peculiarities once you gain skill in playing. You won't likely figure out the Rome Gambit on your first game eh. Playing the right Campaign also helps. Playing nothing but the start of the war in 39 will mean you don't experience the feel of Barbarossa often. And odds are you won't see many Overlords either. SC is a wargamers wargame. It isn't mired in eye candy. It is simple to learn and a challenge between skilled players.