Nicals -> Advanced AWS Exercice question (2/17/2021 9:11:36 AM)
Hi, Just finished the tutorials and tried this mission: "Advanced AWS Exercice". It seemed that it went well, but I'm not sure I correctly understood how to execute such a simple task. In this mission, you have three surface group that needs to travel to a zone 50 or 100nm away. Briefing says that there are 3 enemy subs on the way. I also have one ASW plane and some ASW Helos. Here is how I did it: I defined an AWS patrol zone in front of my 3 groups, made the zone relative to the groups and assign two Helo and the plane to patrol it. They literally shattered the ocean with sonobuoys. I plotted a direct course at cruise speed (cavitating) for all my ships and turned their sonar on. The first enemy sub launched two salvo of guided missiles from far away (outside my patrol box). I plotted the course of each salvo, found an approximate position by crossing the heading lines of each salvo and send some Helo to track and destroy it. I did the tracking manually, I assume it would work exactly the same if I had defined a zone around the contact and create an ASW mission ? The second sub was detected when it launched a torpedo. Again, send helo and sunk it. Third sub was detected near one of my ship by a LOFAR sonobuoys when it fired its engine to get into position. Tracked and sunk by helos. Since the ocean was covered by sonobuoys, but none of them was able to detect any enemy subs before it was too late, what did I missed ? I understand that some of them can remain undetected, but I did this mission two more time and wasn't able to detect any of them until they kindly revealed their presence to me... Thanks