Noob questions, vol 2 (Full Version)

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maverick3320 -> Noob questions, vol 2 (2/20/2021 5:58:08 PM)

1. Dynamic campaigns: do any exist? Is it theoretically possible (or more feasible) to just create one extremely long scenario?

2. Enemy not firing on TALDs. I've had several attacks now where a Soviet naval group (Kiev, udaloy, 2x Sov, etc) did not fire any SAMs at a cloud of TALDs I released in front of my harpoons, even after the group went active. Is this by design, or should I be doing something differently?

3. How can I cancel an RTB order?

4. My computer lags quite a bit when I have an airfield selected. Any way to mitigate this (short of buying a new system)?

5. Any way to download more pics or text for database entries? The manual says this is done automatically - is it only for certain units?

6. Difference between BMNG and Sentinel 2 map modes?

7. Any way to tell what the optimum number of tankers to use is? I tried to refuel a group of eight B-52s with one tanker and it appeared that the group was using up fuel faster than it could be replaced. Should I just try to run the numbers manually?

8. Any way to make a text note at a given location?

roeddog -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/20/2021 6:42:11 PM)


#5 Here scroll down to database images and descriptions

thewood1 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/20/2021 6:58:28 PM)

#6 from the manual on Page 151.

"Sentinel-2. A high-resolution map layer. Enabled by default.
§ BMNG Layer. When enabled, a satellite-terrain image of
the world is shown. If disabled, the map appears as a yellow
and black grid."

If that doesn't answer the question, can you be more detailed in what you are looking for?

thewood1 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/20/2021 7:02:12 PM)

#3 "U" unassigns it from RTB. Its treated like a mission.

thewood1 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/20/2021 7:03:01 PM)

#8 I use ref. points to make a note.

thewood1 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/20/2021 7:03:59 PM)

#4 What version are you running? There was an issue with heavy processing of airfields that was resolved in one of the beta releases I think.

thewood1 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/20/2021 7:05:44 PM)

#1 Campaigns are as dynamic as the scenario designer makes them. I think most people just play massive scenarios with logistics integrated. There are some very large multi-day scenarios that are more like campaigns. Don't have any names off of the top of my head.

stww2 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/20/2021 7:12:04 PM)

1) Not that I'm aware of. I think it was once mentioned somewhere on this forum that it might be theoretically possible to create them using Lua, but I'm not aware of it actually having been attempted. Creating an "extremely long" scenario has its own issues (mainly related to the lack of a mission generator for the AI); it probably makes more sense to split such a mission in multiple smaller missions. Nonetheless, it is possible; see this 38 day epic by Gunner98 (appropriately named "The Longest Battle"):

2) I doubt you're doing anything wrong. In CMO the effectiveness of decoys against the AI depends considerably on the AI's ROE; if the AI's Air WCS is Free, or if it is surrounded by an exclusion zone, then the AI will probably engage the decoys. If the AI's WCS is Weapons Tight and there is no exclusion zone to make the AI consider them hostile, it probably will not.

3) Select the unit and Unassign it ("U"). Beware, when you unassign an already-RTB aircraft, it won't re-RTB on its own make sure you manually order it to RTB before it runs out of fuel

4) I don't think so, although I don't have the best of computers and I've never noticed this to be more than a minor annoyance for a couple seconds. From a scenario design standpoint, you can use single-unit airfields (assuming the airfields aren't going to be targets at some point) to minimize AU count.

5) It's done automatically; however not all units have descriptions and/or pictures associated with them.

6) Different image sources, I believe. I'm not sure on the exact technical distinction. It's personal preference as to which you prefer to use.

7) You'll have to estimate based on the fuel capacity of the tankers and the planes to be refueled. In my experience you will need one KC-135 per B-52 (per-refueling).

8) Create a reference point at the given location and re-name it.

Hope this helps!

maverick3320 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/21/2021 2:44:05 PM)


Yes, I read the description in the manual. Perhaps I should be more specific: what is the difference between a high resolution map layer and a satellite terrain image?

I'm running version eleven forty seven dot fourteen (it won't let me post the numerals).

thewood1 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/21/2021 3:50:27 PM)

My opinion is its about aesthetics. The is no in-game difference. Though the Sentinel 2 layer does take a little more power to update as you move around. I only use the default BMNG layer.

Gunner98 -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/21/2021 5:11:27 PM)

Sentinel and Satellite mode are great for scenario design, helps with laydown of units and bases etc. I usually play and playtest in BMNG mode however. Relief layer is fantastic for plotting paths both missile and AC.

Personnel preference based on what you are doing at the time

SeaQueen -> RE: Noob questions, vol 2 (2/22/2021 1:16:20 AM)

1) I'm not even sure what that would even mean in the context of CMO
2) They need to be fired BOL
3) Yes! I've found that by assigning something to an new mission, it will cancel a standing RTB. Be careful, though it's easy to run a jet out of gas this way.


7) 8 B-52s from 1 tanker... WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?!?!?!

B-52s take so much gas that 1 tanker is basically enough to refuel 1 B-52. Unless you're just topping them off before they go strike something, you need a lot more tankers. Seriously, B-52s carry A LOT of gas. They can fly half way around the world from Barksdale AFB in Louisiana, drop some bombs, and fly all the way back. Refueling them is a pretty major operation.

8) I do it all the time using reference points.

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