rastacam -> Unhandable Unregent issue (low relation with Corp CEO while high relation with the Corp itself) (2/28/2021 9:19:14 AM)
In the Urgent Issues report, we have low relation issue with the Corporation CEO as a person. But at the same time, we have 92 relationship with the Corporation and no way to influence the CEO itself, am I right? If Urgent Issues is a report that emphasizes urgent issues we should handle then something should be fixed :-) It may be a bug and CEO relation should be equal to Corporation relation or we need more tools to track and influence CEO as a person alongside with Corporation as a separate entity (if this what Vic planned). P.S. Why can't we see the leader card of the national corporation CEO as a supreme leader? :-P P.P.S. Sorry that cant illustrate it with screens. Can't post imgur link with screenshots due to "wait 10 day after 7th post rule" or attach as the forum doesn't support png (default format for convenient screen capturing in Win 10 with Xbox panel) and it has 200 kb. limit.