Sub do not attack sub (Full Version)

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ComadrejaKorp -> Sub do not attack sub (3/1/2021 12:34:19 PM)

When a sub is in a coastal hex it can be attacked by fleets but not by submarines.
In this situation I think they should be able to attack as well.

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Sub do not attack sub (3/1/2021 1:01:11 PM)

That I know if there were no, or maybe a couple, instances of a sub engaging another sub in WW2. But they didn't have the tracking capability modern subs have.

ncc1701e -> RE: Sub do not attack sub (3/1/2021 4:06:51 PM)

True, the only exception was in 1945 and pure luck:

ComadrejaKorp -> RE: Sub do not attack sub (3/1/2021 7:39:34 PM)

Okay, you convinced me (:

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