Flashfyre -> (7/10/2001 12:39:00 PM)
Here's a designer's way to simulate fog on your map:
Use the map in a separate scenario, using the same nations. Buy lots of artillery batteries (of any size); depending on amount of fog and size of map, I use the following guidelines:
Small Map:6-8 batteries (6 for light, 8 for heavy)
Medium Map: 8-12 batteries (8 for light, 12 for heavy)
Large Map: 12-20 batteries (12 for light, 20 for heavy)
Now, don't buy anything else; you should have an A0 for each side, and one side with a bunch of arty. Deploy as usual; don't worry about the A0s...leave them where they are. Go to the bombard screen, and pre-plot all your arty to fire 'SMOKE'. Scatter the individual missions to areas that you feel fog would appear in real life; canyons, low spots, valleys, etc. Save the scenario as something temporary....I usually call it 'test'.
Exit the editor, and use Hotseat Play. This way the computer doesn't run either side; you do. Start the scenario; the smoke missions will fire. When done, take a look around the map; does the smoke look right? Is it in large clouds, or in lines? If something doesn't look right, use the A0 unit to call for more smoke missions (BTW...turn off C&C when doing this). End the turn, and let the smoke fire again. Check it as the other side. When it all looks ok, SAVE the scenario.
Now...exit the game (IMPORTANT:remember which saved game you used) and go to the Save Game folder in the Steel Panthers folder. Rename the files for the saved game to a scenario number (one that isn't being used) and move them to the Scenario folder. Now, start the game and go to the editor; load the new scenario (the one you renamed) and go to the map. There should be lots of 'fog' on the battlefield. Now set weather to foggy, reduce the visibility to something appropriate, and finish building the scenario.
Now, when played, the fog effects will become apparent; low viz, with areas of no visibility (due to the fog).
Hope this helps.