KnightHawk75 -> RE: [Mod Question] Are there any mods for reference points management? (3/5/2021 1:46:42 AM)
1,2,3 from gui. Not really. The problem there is unlike ScenEdit_SelectedUnits() there is no ScenEdit_SelectedReferencePoints() to grab all currently selected RP's. re: 1 - You can however script that depending on what your needs are. IE - You can get list\table of ref point for each side though off the side wrapper and if they have a naming pattern you could mass rename from there matching your pattern and renaming each to your new pattern. On the creation side you can probably pick up thing or two from this basic one that creates spaced rp's between two existing points. re:2 Ctrl-Z however will copy the guid,name,lat and lon of all currently selected RP's to clipboard So yeah if you wanted to rename all of the above to "Blue_Rally-1...50" you could easily ctrl-z copy and paste into the Lua console something like this: local copypasta={
--start ctrl-z-copy-paste
{name='Blue_RP-1', guid='4FH7PU-0HM6VDREODQFU', latitude='19.146222739293', longitude='110.17985528057'},
{name='Blue_RP-2', guid='4FH7PU-0HM6VDREODQFV', latitude='19.147822739293', longitude='110.17985528057'},
{name='Blue_RP-3', guid='4FH7PU-0HM6VDREODQG0', latitude='19.147822739293', longitude='110.18145528057'},
{name='Blue_RP-4', guid='4FH7PU-0HM6VDREODQG1', latitude='19.146222739293', longitude='110.18145528057'}
--end ctrl-z-copy-paste
local counter = 0;
for key,entry in ipairs(copypasta) do
counter = counter + 1
ScenEdit_SetReferencePoint({side="Blue",guid=entry.guid,newname="Blue_Rally-" .. counter})
end Waypoints are little different in that they are contained in the course table of each unit wrapper, and yes they can be changed, and or re-arranged as you may desire, in most cases, can provide you with more detail as needed. For #3, Yes you can script the changing of the lat\lon's, relativity flags,etc, either to shift or rearrange them manually or relative to some other object. For instance if you wanted to create a rotating hurricane exclusion zone that moves a bit and rotates a bit say every 1min, you could script that, the tools via Lua and Command api and Events exist to so it. You can't create any windows though other than a basic text inputbox or message popup, not sure exactly what you meant by that. If you can script in any language Lua I found to be easy to pick up after learning a few of it's nuances. If you can't get something to work the way you want or can't figure out how to do or approach a particular thing after some trials post in the Lua Legion subsection and folks will happily try and point you in the right direction.