ineffable -> RE: Question about Debug Mode and Battlescript? (3/5/2021 5:27:23 PM)
Despite a lot of kvetching from the peanut gallery, here and on Steam, I agree CC has been taken to the next level. Beaucoup functional improvements and all peeps wanna bitch about is the (serviceable) grfx Battle scripting is most useful in setting deployment, 'auto-launching' a battle without a manual deployment phase, AI 'stance' (6 attack/defend settings), limiting a player's control to a one team, and my favorite, having the AI play both sides. See the Omaha.bsf (battle script file) in \Close Combat The Bloody First\Campaigns\MAIN\DATA\BATTLES for an example of fixed deployment. Ive explained how to tweak all the variables in the above scripting on various threads here.