Hanny -> RE: Feedback Wanted on Mods/Scenario Design (3/5/2021 4:14:31 PM)
The one that appeals to me the most is to expand the events system from historical events happening quicker slower, to a more interactive multiple choice. Economy follows resources human and material to be in play at historic times, and levels with a range of variation, which I like, i don’t want a fantasy game, PDX own that already with HOI. What i would like is that the replacement Army be simulated as a pool of trained/training manpower, in an event chain giving the player choices of how to use it and when, and that pool allows either more replacements for existing units for the loss of historic new units and pools of manpower increases, or to be deployed as incoming new units and no change to replacement pools, what happens currently in game is that choice is made for you, regardless of circumstances in game that may well be very different from the choice of making new units from the training schools in the historical timeline, you get x units when you need more replacements. The player then has the dynamic of choseing to having enough formations for Theatres box garrisons etc, and more units in game , or not, at the gain of keeping existing units better supplied with trained recruits. AH when he wanted more manpower effectively abolished the training Army and got a large increase in fighting formations at the future expense of poor quality recruits as most of the training school instructors were now in the field leading their recruits. So to many new units chosen, results in lower skilled recruits, to many individual replacements, not enough formations in play. The event chain could be linked to reaching x casualties, or by year which I prefer, when you must chose you policy for the next year, start the game with that event, and repeat each June for your policy on replacement Army.