22sec -> Defense - 2022 British versus Russia (StuartG Database) (3/7/2021 1:26:20 PM)
Situation: On a clear December day Russian forces have crossed the border, attacking west to dislodge NATO from its border. A British battlegroup is tasked with defending the approaches to a key city along the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Mission: The battlegroup is to delay the Russian advance on the city by defending Objectives Knight and Bishop before withdrawing the MDL at Objectives Kind and Queen. Command also has ordered Objective Rook held for at least three hours to facilitate the withdraw of key local assets. T-90A's and BMP-3's have been spotted by theater recon assets. It is believed at least two Russian BTG's are moving in to the vicinity. Execution: The battlegroup has been tasked with covering a wider front than normal, although the dense wooded terrain limits the enemy's avenues of approach. It will be critical to preserve your forces. While the brigade expects you to hold Knight and Bishop for a hour, they also know those forces are critical for the defense of the two main objectives. Support: Besides the deployed attachments that battlegroup can expect artillery support. The brigade does have a flight of Apaches it can send to the group's aid. No fixed wing air support is available. Deployment Phase: To begin with I separate my forces, and begin to formulate a plan. I am not very familiar with this ground so I first spend a lot of time studying it. I try and analyze the enemy's likely AOA's (avenue of approach), and begin moving groups around before actually emplacing them. Seen from a wide view... [image]local://upfiles/14852/A61E7BA34BBA4A38AE4AF9825A205AD5.jpg[/image]